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乡村治理是一个事关社会和谐和国家稳定的重要因素,我国的乡村治理结构经历了多次变化后,目前暴露出了不少问题,村长的专权、利益相关者权利缺乏保障等都直接影响了乡村治理功能的发挥。如何构建一个基于利益相关者的治理结构,引入公司治理理论和利益相关者理论,对于乡村治理的优化将提供新的思路。 Village governance is an important factor that affects social harmony and national stability. After many changes in our country’s village governance structure, many problems have been exposed so far, and the directorate’s special rights and the lack of guarantee of the rights of stakeholders are all directly affected The village governance function. How to construct a governance structure based on stakeholders, and introduce the theory of corporate governance and stakeholder, will provide new ideas for the optimization of rural governance.
Bowling——“保龄球”是英语中“沾亲带故”的词,仔细推敲,颇有趣味,“保龄球”可谓老少皆宜。近年来在我国,尤其大中城市里,保龄球运动颇为时髦。 Bowling - “bowling”
Understand the three fundamental rules for dealing with computers, and you too can have dozens of people convinced that you are THE source of computer knowledg
A couple took their three-month-old son to the movies with them.Showing them to their seats,the usher(引座员)said they’d have to leave ifthe baby cried. “But
近几年来 ,秦皇岛市自来水总公司的档案管理工作发展很快 ,1 995年以来 ,以促进企业自身基础建设 ,规范企业档案管理 ,提高档案人员的专业技术水平为主要目的 ,总公司决心把
Once upon a time,there lived a woodman and his wife.They were very poor,and they lived in a cottage on the edge of a forest.Every day,the woodman would set out
I.单项填空1.Marx studied Engliish so__that he could write articles__Englisn__newspapers.A.good,in,to B.hard,with,forC.well,in,for D.diligently,of,to2.What do y
我曾经在一个百把人的农机研究所当科技秘书,建所时人手少,所长叫我兼管基建, 也就是盖房,研究楼、试验室、宿舍楼、食堂……“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”。后来,在史无前例的动乱