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笔者从事编辑工作,对增强企业报的接近性略有所思,将其归纳为四个方面: 一是从群众中找“聚光点”。即从群众中去寻找反映领导机关意图的“聚光点”,去发现贯彻落实领导机关意图的新闻事实。报纸将这些报道出来,这要比直接报道会议和领导讲话更贴近实际,更生动,更具体。比如,湖北省邮电管理局在贯彻“八五”规划时,为全省邮电通信事业描绘了宏伟的蓝图。为使这个意图转化为全省邮电职工的自觉行动,本报组织基层领导干部撰写文章,文章联系本单位的实际引起了广大基层干部的兴趣。报纸还着重报道职工中涌现出来的先进典型,如对全国劳模、乡邮员余国印热 The author engaged in editorial work, to enhance the proximity of enterprises reported a little thought, summed up in four areas: First, from the masses to find “convergence point.” That is, from the masses, they should look for “convergence points” that reflect the intention of the leading organs and find out the facts of the press in implementing the intention of the leading organs. Newspapers report these stories out, which is more realistic, lively and specific than reporting meetings and leading speeches directly. For example, when carrying out the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, Hubei Provincial Post and Telecommunications Administration described a magnificent blueprint for the province’s post and telecommunications business. In order to make this intention translate into the province’s postal and telecommunications workers’ voluntary actions, the newspaper organizes leading cadres at the grass-roots level to write articles. The actual contact of the articles with this unit has aroused the interest of grassroots cadres at large. The newspaper also focuses on the advanced models that emerge from the workforce. For example, the labor force,