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这学期我担任了高小六年级的语文教学.开始时由於我对语文这门功课的目的与要求,缺乏明确的认识,也没有根据同学们的程度与特点,合理地安排课程的内容。同时对於课堂教学中所必须遵守的一些原则,更缺乏充分的了解,因此不能适应并满足儿童们的学习要求。如我在教第二、三课“并岗山上”时,本来准备五节课教完的,但仅介绍中国工农红军的建军历史,就扯了将近两节课的时间,由於讲解时无计划,拉拉杂杂,结果不但影响了教学的进度,而且也使同学们摸不着头脑,无从记忆。另外为了解释“星星之火,可以燎原”,也花费了不少的时间,我把“野草烧不尽,春风吹又生”的那首古诗,整个地搬到黑板上给同学们对照,以致又扯得很远。这些把语文课变为政治课,以及生硬的贯注,不量力的填塞,完全是主观主义,无的放矢的教学方法。因此在这学期的前几周,我的语文教学无可讳言是失败的:无怪同学们批评我“讲得太噜苏”、“抓不住中心”、“内容枯燥无味”了。 In this semester, I took the language teaching of Grade 6 and Grade 6. Since the beginning, I did not have a clear understanding of the purpose and requirement of the Chinese course, nor did I reasonably arrange the content of the course according to the level and characteristics of the students. At the same time, some principles that must be observed in classroom teaching are not fully understood and therefore can not be adapted and meet the learning requirements of children. If I was teaching Lesson 2 or 3 and “working on a hillside”, I was going to finish teaching in five lessons. However, introducing only the history of the founding of the Chinese Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army would bring about two lessons in class time. Plan, pull mixed, the results not only affected the progress of teaching, but also to make students unpredictable, unable to remember. In addition, in order to explain “the spark of the stars can start a prairie fire”, but also spent a lot of time, I put “weeds burned, spring breeze,” the poem, the whole move to the blackboard to the students control, resulting And pull too far. These Chinese courses into political classes, as well as blunt focus, improper stuffing, is completely subjective, unspecified teaching methods. Therefore, in the first few weeks of this semester, there is no denying that my teaching of Chinese is a failure: no wonder students criticize me for being “too talkative”, “unable to grasp the center” and “content dull”.
有人问:对女人而言,生活究竟是什么? 比较宏大的描述是:保持求学的热情、独立自主的事业、真诚相待的爱情……那么,还有呢?如果一定要找答案,或许说,对所有细节的 敏锐关注和
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