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自今年春季以来,全球的禽流感疫情呈现迅速蔓延和多点发生的局面。迄今为止,已有23个国家和地区陆续报道发生了高致病性禽流感的疫情。目前,全球已有约120人感染禽流感病毒,60 余人死亡,病死率约51%。流感病毒的变异和重组是引发流感大流行的重要因素。今年 9月,被任命为联合国禽流感和人类流感协调员的大卫·纳巴罗说:“流感大流行不是可有可无的问题,而是早或晚的问题。未来与人类争夺地球的是病毒。”纳巴罗强调,“世界面对禽流感变异必须未雨绸缪,绝不能干那种亡羊补牢的蠢事,因为蠢事的后果可能是数千万人死亡。”但是,在科学面前,流感并不可怕,关键是有备无患,立足于有,着手于防。 Since the spring of this year, the global outbreak of bird flu has witnessed a rapid spread and multi-point outbreak. So far, 23 countries and regions have reported the outbreak of HPAI. At present, about 120 people have been infected with the bird flu virus worldwide, leaving 60 people dead and a case fatality rate of 51%. Influenza virus mutation and recombination is an important factor in triggering the influenza pandemic. In September of this year, David Nabarro, who was appointed coordinator of the United Nations bird flu and human flu, said: “The influenza pandemic is not an issue of choice, but a problem of early or later. Is a virus. ”Nabaro stressed that“ the world must take precautions in the face of the mutated bird flu and must not do the stupid thing to do because the stupidity can kill tens of millions of people. ”However, in the face of science, the flu does not Terrible, the key is be prepared, based on there, to start in defense.
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