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生物界非常奇妙,我们可以利用自然界的生物去防病治虫。比如用一些常见的树叶如臭椿叶、苦楝叶等。树叶农药成本低,无污染,效果好,可防治农作物病虫害,可作畜禽舍消毒用。常用的有以下几种:臭椿叶按臭椿叶1份、水3份浸泡1~2天,得水浸液。过滤后喷洒,可防治蔬菜蚜虫、菜青虫;如按叶1份、水15份浸泡,得水浸液进行叶面喷洒,可防治小麦秆锈病。苦楝叶取半干的苦楝叶切碎,按叶1份、水2份,煮1小时左右,过滤后在滤液中加0.3%洗衣粉,存放备用。施用前加水1倍,喷洒蔬菜,可防治毒蛾幼虫。取干叶粉碎,洒在田里,可防治蛴螬、金针虫。乌柏叶鲜乌柏叶捣烂后取 The world of biology is amazing. We can use the creatures of nature to prevent and control pests. For example, with some common leaves such as stinkbug leaves, neem leaves and so on. Low cost of pesticide leaves, pollution-free, good effect, can prevent crop pests and diseases can be used for disinfection of livestock sheds. Commonly used in the following categories: Ailanthus euphorbia leaves stinky leaves 1, 3 parts of water soak for 1 to 2 days, was flooding. After spraying filtered, can prevent and control vegetable aphids, Pieris rapae; such as leaves 1, 15 soaked in water, the flooding liquid foliar spray can prevent wheat stem rust. Melia leaves to take half of the dried neem leaves chopped, according to a leaf, 2 parts of water, cook for about 1 hour, filtered and the filtrate plus 0.3% detergent, stored for future use. Water before application 1 times, spraying vegetables, can prevent the moth larvae. Take dry leaves smash, sprinkle in the fields, can prevent slugs, insects. Uber leaf fresh Uber leaves after smashed
所谓遗传咨询 ,是以患有遗传性疾病的患者及其家属以及有可能患病的人为对象 ,为使其能够按自己的意愿选择生活方式 ,而进行临床遗传学诊断以及医学判断 ,从而提供正确信息 ,
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郑州仁人健康体检中心是经卫生部门批准设置的从事健康体检和医疗保健的专业机构,也是河南省首家民营大型专业化、现代化的健 Zhengzhou Renren health examination center
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