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坐车穿行于318国道建始县麻扎坪村时,一块“农税财源建设基地”的牌子格外耀眼。走进村寨,才知道这里面还有不少省、州、县三级财政扶持村民脱贫致富的故事。 地处318国道1500公里两旁的湖北恩施自治州建始县高坪乡麻扎坪村,是全县出了名的穷村,1995年前人均年纯收入不足400.00元。但这里土质肥沃,人户集中,有利于连片开发。1995年,建始县财政局高坪乡财政所先后10多次派人到麻扎坪村调查摸底,反复论证,并向省、州财政部门申报立项,在建始县建起了第一个农税财源建设基地。一下子,使贫困的穷山寨热闹起来,省财政厅厅长童道友亲自过问麻扎坪的财源基地建设情况,副厅长陶德雄及原恩施州财政局局长殷大庭多次来麻扎坪村指导工作,州县财政局分别组建小康工作队来到这里,乡财政所也选派两名得力干将驻进村委会……一时间,化肥、农药、树苗等一车接一车地运往村寨,科技、信息、市场经济观念一浪高过一浪地涌进村寨。 Traveling through the 318 National Road Jianshi County Ma Zhaping Village, a “agricultural tax revenue base” brand exceptionally dazzling. Into the village, I learned that there are many provincial, state and county financial support for villagers to get rid of poverty story. Located at 1,500 km along National Highway 318, Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, Jianshi County, Ma Ping Village, Pingtung County, is the county’s famous poor village, before 1995 the per capita annual net income of less than 400.00 yuan. However, fertile soil here, concentrated households, is conducive to contiguous development. In 1995, Gaoping Township Finance Bureau of Jianshi County Financial Bureau dispatched more than 10 people to investigate Mazuping village repeatedly, repeatedly demonstrated and declared the project to the provincial and state financial departments, establishing the first agricultural tax in Jianshi County Financial resources base. All of a sudden, to make poor poverty cottage bustling, Provincial Department of Finance Director Tong Dongyou personally asked Ma Zhaping financial resources base construction, Deputy Director Tao Dexiong and former Enshi State Department of Finance Director Yin Ta-ting many times to Ma Zhaping guidance of the village , County Finance Bureau to set up a well-off work team came here, the township financial services also selected two competent cadres stationed in the village committees ... ... For a time, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, saplings, etc. one by one car shipped to the village, science and technology, Information, the concept of a market economy surged into the village wave after wave.
中国资本市场建立以来最浩瀚的一次结构性调整,就是控股股东、流通股小股东、金融机构等各方势力谋求各自利益最大化的过程。 Since the founding of China’s capital mark
在沈阳、锦州、朝阳、丹东、大连采集典型黄瓜枯萎病株标样197个,对单孢分离获得的5个代表菌株 Co13、Co17、Co39、Co56、Co76进行了致病性试验及观察鉴定。结果分离出尖孢镰
河北省黄瓜枯萎病致病菌经鉴定为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium orysporum schlecht)。生理小种鉴定结果与阿姆斯特朗1978年报道的3个小种不同,为小种4号(Race4)。“防死乐”防治瓜类
黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reu(?)er是我省水稻主要害虫稻飞虱和稻叶蝉的重要捕食性天敌。关于黑肩绿盲蝽的研究报道较多;但有关其空间分布型的研究未见报道。为