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舞台美术设计是戏剧和其他舞台演出形式的一个重要组成部分,包括服装、化妆、道具、灯光、布景、音响效果等诸多内容。当今时代,科学技术的发展为舞美设计增添了新的表现手段,比如:LED、电脑灯、冷焰火、喷泉甚至旋转舞台的使用都为剧目演出增添了很多艺术表现力。舞台美术设计的任务是根据剧本的内容和演出要求,在统一的艺术构思中运用多种造型手段,营造剧中环境并渲染舞台气氛。首先,舞台美术设计工作中剧目所需要的景物造型设计是设计表现中的重要方面。做好景物造型设计除了要正确把握剧本内容和导演的意图进行再度创作外,还要充分利用好景物造型的艺术语言。景物造型设计是通过造型和空间的特定形态来挖掘和体现节目主题,营造具体的风格样式和艺术氛围,并与灯光造型、人物造型密切配合,从而进一步加强节目的艺术感染力。 Stage art design is an important part of theatrical and other stage performances, including costumes, make-up, props, lights, set scenes, sound effects and much more. In today’s era, the development of science and technology adds new means of expression to the design of the stage. For example, the use of LEDs, computer lights, cold fireworks, fountains and even rotating stages add a lot of artistic expression to the repertory performances. Stage art design task is based on the contents of the script and performance requirements, the use of a variety of styling techniques in a unified artistic concept to create a play environment and render the stage atmosphere. First of all, the styling design of the scene needed in the stage art design work is an important aspect of the design performance. To do a good job of landscape design in addition to correctly grasp the contents of the script and the director’s intention to re-create, but also make full use of the art of modeling language. Scenery modeling design is to excavate and reflect the theme of the program through the specific shape of the shape and space to create a specific style and artistic atmosphere, and closely cooperate with the lighting modeling and character modeling so as to further enhance the artistic appeal of the program.
一、寓言二则 郑人买履[郑人有欲买履者] 郑人,泛指郑国人;欲买履者,特指要买鞋子的人。全句是:“郑国人中有一个要买鞋子的人。”文言文里这种句式很多,如:“楚人有涉江者
A new neophysalin,named 5α-hydroxy-25,27-dihydro-4,7-didehydro-7-deoxyneophysalin A(1),along with three other known neophysalins(2-4) were isolated from the ca
这个一度非常喜欢拿破仑语录的成功男人,那言行中洋溢的彪悍与霸气,却在渐渐消弭——他开始变得谦逊和谦和    初见张秀兵,感觉他像韩国偶像剧中的男主角那样,清秀而帅气。一个小时候害羞内向的男生,通过多年的艰苦历练,最终走向完美主义者。意味深长的是,在他无限接近于事业高峰时,这个一度非常喜欢拿破仑语录的成功男人,那言行中洋溢的彪悍与霸气,却在渐渐消弭——他开始变得谦逊和谦和。  从惊涛拍岸到静水流深,