,Time series analysis and inverse theory for geophysicists

来源 :幕-国际地学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wrxingmail
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Thanks to the advances in geophysical measurement technologies, most geophysical data are now recorded in digital form. But to extract the ‘Earths nature’ from observed data, it is necessary to apply the signal-processing method to the time-series data, seismograms and geomagnetic records being the most common. The processing of time-series data is one of the major subjects of this book.By the processing of time series data, numerical values such as travel-times are obtained.The first stage of data analysis is forward modeling, but the more advanced step is the inversion method. This is the second subject of this book.
各位老师、同志们:  今天上午,我们欢聚在滨江宾馆,隆重庆祝第23个教师节,表彰作出突出成绩的优秀模范教师和特级教师,孟建柱书记、吴新雄省长等省四套班子的领导亲自出席了会议,孟书记就认真贯彻胡锦涛总书记的重要讲话精神提出了四点要求,并对全省广大教师和教育工作者教书育人、为人师表寄予了殷切期望。今天下午,我们又在江西教育学院召开座谈会,畅谈学习胡锦涛总书记重要讲话精神的体会,共商教育改革发展大计。 
The 10th Inteational Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water was held in Bled, Slovenia between August 28 and September 2, 2005.
SummaryThe Inteational Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) has produced an electronic version of the inteational standard Cenozoic-Mesozoic-Paleozoic bio-magnetose
This book is the second and expanded volume of Glaciers, the first published in 1992.The second edition contains four more chapters and the whole text has been
编者按:金秋九月,硕果累累。在第二十三个教师节来临之际,让我们向奋战在教育战线上的广大教师和教育工作者致以节日的祝贺和崇高的敬意!  教师节前夕,胡锦涛总书记与来自全国各地的优秀教师代表座谈。总书记在讲话中深刻阐述了教育在科学发展、共建和谐中的重要意义,高度评价了广大教育工作者的伟大业绩,对全面实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略、落实好把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位的方针提出了明确要求,对广大教师提出了
During the 18th Inteational Geological Congress in London in 1948, the clay scientists present met to discuss inteational cooperation and exchange of informatio
学生体质下降令人担忧    今年4月,南昌某报刊登了这样一则消息,还有一个多月就要参加高考的高欣(化名)同学,却因患了心肌炎住进了医院。高欣是南昌市某重点中学的学生,一向成绩优秀。但自从上了高中后,他的身体素质就明显下降,这不,在高考前的关键时刻,高欣却因病毒性感冒诱发了心肌炎。一面是严峻的高考,一面是孩子的健康,守护在病房的高妈妈自然是心急如焚。如高妈妈这样为孩子体质担忧的家长大有人在,日前,南