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法治的概念有久远的历史,国际法治近年来为联合国等组织所倡导。在国际层面论说法治,有协助他国建设法治之意,因此应该特别警惕法治不应成为独裁者武断或随意施政的借口,同时法治也不应该成为国家或国际社会干涉他国内政的借口。将法治运用于国际社会与国际法,需要做许多深入的研究与转换,国际法的契约型法特点,防止空泛化,都应重视。国际层面的法治有可观的成长,主要体现在人权、发展、和平解决国际争端问题上。将国际法治视为手段而非目标,将其解读为发挥功能而非界定状态,都更准确地反映了国际法治的发展与传播,也有助于对其的研究。 The concept of the rule of law has a long history and the international law and order has been advocated by the United Nations and other organizations in recent years. At the international level, discussing the rule of law helps to build the rule of law in other countries. Therefore, we should be particularly vigilant that the rule of law should not become an excuse for arbitrary or arbitrary dictatorship. At the same time, the rule of law should not become an excuse for the intervention of the state or the international community in the internal affairs of other countries. The application of the rule of law to the international community and international law requires many in-depth studies and conversions, the contractual law of international law and the prevention of over-exploitation. The remarkable growth of the rule of law at the international level is mainly reflected in the issues of human rights, development and the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Viewing the rule of law in the international community as a means rather than a goal, interpreting it as a function rather than as a defining state more accurately reflects the development and dissemination of international law and helps in its research.
最久旱逢甘雨的冠军——亨曼 在第9座和第10座奖杯之间隔了16个月。好在绅士风度十足的亨曼有的是耐心,没有冠军的日子不好过,失利温布尔顿的日子不好过,但一切都熬过来了。
最有魅力奖——莫亚 莫亚去年入选过《人物》杂志“世界上最美丽的50个人”之列,足见他的魅力指数之高。26岁的莫亚越来越有成熟男人的味道了,健壮的肌肉,臂膀上的刺青,白色
小记者:令辉哥哥,您好。首先,恭喜你成为我国第一所全日制乒乓球学校的校长。 孔令辉:谢谢。 小记者:我们对这所学校很关心,能和我们谈一下您当这个校长的初衷和理念是什么