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在整个汽车行业中,客车行业只是一个极小的分支,相比于乘用车和卡车行业而言,客车行业无论是生产规模、产销量还是销售额都远远要低。但是,中国的客车行业可能也是汽车行业中最不“安分”的一部分。中国客车的技术引进是做得最到位的,几乎世界上最优秀的客车技术都已登陆中国;中国客车的海外市场是做得最热闹的,无论是中东、北美、西亚还是欧洲,都已经能看到中国客车的身影;中国客车的自主创新是做得最优秀的,在车身匹配和造型的自主研发上,中国客车已经接近或已在某种程度上达到了欧洲发达国家对客车技术的要求;中国客车的未来前景也是最值得期望的,相比于欧洲、日韩逐渐减缓的市场脚步而言,中国不但有着巨大的客流量作为背景,公路、城市交通的发展也在日新月异。客车行业的不“安分”注定了其触觉的敏锐,在近年来国际原油供应紧张、价格上涨的大背景下,不少客车企业都推出了自己的节油产品,无论是宇通、苏州金龙、金旅,还是广州五十铃,纷纷都叫响了推广节油产品的口号。2006年7月20日,江淮客车有限公司在合肥市隆重举行了“节油万里行——江淮·现代客车在行动”的启动仪式,并将节油客车产品的推广作为其2006年最主要的活动之一,于是,新一轮的节油推广热点,又在安徽合肥举起了旗帜。 In the entire automotive industry, the passenger car industry is only a tiny branch. Compared with the passenger car and truck industries, the passenger car industry is far lower in terms of production scale, sales volume and sales volume. However, China’s bus industry may also be the least secure part of the automotive industry. China’s bus technology introduction is done in the most in place, almost the world’s best bus technology has landed in China; China bus overseas market is doing the most hilarious, whether in the Middle East, North America, West Asia or Europe, have been able to China’s passenger car to see the shadow; China’s passenger car innovation is the best done in the body matching and modeling of independent research and development, the Chinese passenger car has been close to or to some extent reached European European passenger car technology requirements ; The future prospects of China’s passenger cars are also the most anticipated. Compared to the gradual slowdown of markets in Europe, Japan and South Korea, not only does China have a huge passenger flow as a background, but the development of highways and urban transport is changing rapidly. Bus industry is not “secure points” doomed its keen sense of touch, in recent years the international crude oil supply, the price rise of the background, many bus companies have introduced their own fuel-saving products, both Yutong, Suzhou Jinlong, Golden Brigade, or Guangzhou Isuzu, have called the rang to promote the slogan of fuel-efficient products. On July 20, 2006, JAC Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. solemnly held the launching ceremony of “Fuel Saving Miles - JAC Hyundai Bus in Action” in Hefei and made the promotion of fuel-efficient bus products the most important in 2006 One of the activities, so a new round of fuel-efficient promotion hot spots, but also in Hefei, Anhui raised a banner.
中医的境界在一个“通”字。经络、血脉要通达,运化排泄要通顺,气志心情要通畅。这一个“通”字,代表了身体的健康。三阴交穴就跟“通”有关,它特别适用于血瘀体质,能够打通我们人体的淤塞。    肝脾肾三条经脉的汇合点——三阴交    三阴交的“交”是交汇的意思,有三条阴的经脉在三阴交这个位置交汇在一起。人体下肢有三条非常重要的属阴的经脉,分别是足厥阴肝经、足太阴脾经和足少阴肾经。中医认为,肝管理人体的气