The application of organic reagents in analytical chemistry has been increasing day by day, has almost penetrated into all aspects of the analysis field, and has become an important way to improve production efficiency, simplify the process and improve the operating conditions. However, the reaction of many organic reagents and metal ions, the lack of conclusive materials, they are often scattered in various literature. In order to meet the reader’s requirements, we published a column entitled “Reactions of Important Organic Reagents with Metal Ions” to highlight the properties of certain organic reagents, reaction mechanisms and reaction characteristics with metal ions. Since the reaction of some organic reagents with metal ions is far less advanced than that of inorganic reagents, the reaction characteristics of each reagent with various metal ions are not fully described at present. However, we think it would be helpful to carry out this work in order to better apply organic reagents to us and to solve some of the problems in analytical practice. Here, we hope that readers and authors will write a letter in writing so that this column can be handled well.