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据《财经》杂志报道,6月6日,一个小范围的高层专家会议在北京举行。会议的主持者是中共中央政治局常委、全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国,而此时他的身份是刚刚成立的中央修宪小组组长。参会者包括经济学家吴敬琏、法学家江平、应松年等,会议的内容是吴邦国代表中央听取这些专家对修宪的意见。种种迹象表明,新的宪法修正案已在酝酿当中,或可说:第四次修宪前期准备工作已经正式启动。权威人士告诉《财经》,本次修宪一个重要内容很有可能是将“三个代表”思想写入宪法,“三个代表”作为我党的指导思想写入宪法。这如同1999年的宪法修正案将邓小平理论作为国家意识形态的一部分写进宪法序言。至于将“私有财产不可侵犯”写进宪法,学 According to the “Caijing” magazine, June 6, a small high-level expert meeting was held in Beijing. The moderator of the meeting was Wu Bangguo, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the NPC Standing Committee. At the time, his identity was the leader of the newly formed Central Constitutional Amendment Team. Attendees included economist Wu Jinglian, jurists Jiang Ping and Ying Songnian, etc. The content of the meeting was that Wu Bangguo, on behalf of the Central Government, listened to the opinions of these experts on the revision of the constitution. There are indications that a new constitutional amendment has already been brewing or that the preparatory work for the fourth constitutional amendment has been officially launched. An authoritative source told Caijing that this important piece of constitutional amendment is likely to be written into the constitution as the guiding ideology of our party. The “three represents” ideology should be written into the constitution and the “three represents” should be written into the constitution. Just as the 1999 constitutional amendment put Deng Xiaoping Theory as part of the state ideology in the preamble of the Constitution. As for the “private property inviolable ” into the constitution, learn
液、塑限联合测定,通常用作图法来完成.本文介绍一种无需作图,也可得液限、塑限含水量的方法. Liquid, plastic limit joint determination, usually used as a map to complete
6岁的贝贝是小区里人人喜欢的乖孩子。家长们都说,贝贝妈妈真会教孩子,教出这么一个守时的好孩子。他们却没有看到,为了培养儿子守时的习惯,贝贝妈妈付出了多少的心血。 6-y
假期,浙江省宁波国家高新区实验学校40余名师生、家长代表千里迢迢来遵义市余庆县龙家小学开展“长征路上手拉手 童心永远跟党走”主题教育活动。这次活动,是双方学校反复酝酿了一年之久的约会,大家在操场上观摹了隆重的升旗仪式,观看了歌舞表演、结对宣誓,随后整合成一支“城乡合一”的队伍,踏着歌声向横断山万丈坑红军烈士墓走去,在烈士墓前,举行了“东西部城乡少先队员烈士墓前宣誓仪式”。  本次活动,两校遵守《城
The right to give births is a basic human right. A correct understanding and a clear-cut legal definition of this right are of great practical importance to so