Effect of Al on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the Ultrahigh Carbon Steels

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chufs
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In this research, we tried to find a simple processing method to break up the network carbides in ultrahigh carbon steels (UHCS). Our results revealed that Al addition was favorable to the decrease in the proeutectoid carbides, the pearlite-colony size and the pearlitic interlamellar spacing of the forged microstructures, and that a fully-pearlitic structure was obtained in the UHCS containing 1.6 wt pct Al. The quenching-and-tempering process resulted in fine microstructure in those steels. On the other hand, the strength of the UHCSs increased with the increase of the Al content, and the highest strength was obtained at the UHCS with 1.6 wt pct Al. The UHCSs with Al contents higher than 1.3 wt pct showed a high tensile strength of more than δb=1000 MPa and good ductility of higher than δ5=10% at ambient temperature. In this research, we tried to find a simple processing method to break up the network carbides in ultrahigh carbon steels (UHCS). Our results result that Al addition was favorable to the decrease in the proeutectoid carbides, the pearlite-colony size and the pearlitic interlamellar spacing of the forged microstructures, and that a fully-pearlitic structure was obtained in the UHCS containing 1.6 wt pct Al. The quenching-and-tempering process resulted in fine microstructure in those steels. On the other hand, the strength of the UHCSs increased with the increase of the Al content, and the highest strength was obtained at the UHCS with 1.6 wt pct Al. The UHCSs with Al contents higher than 1.3 wt pct showed a high tensile strength of more than δb = 1000 MPa and good ductility of higher than δ5 = 10% at ambient temperature.
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利用弹流润滑理论,推导了外波式活齿减速器活女与活齿架的油膜厚度公式,并进行了计算,为进一步研究该类减速器的润滑机理和工作性能提供了理论根据。 Based on the theory of t