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本文概括介绍国外文献有关冲裁模磨损机理的各种论述,揭示了磨损后刃口的外观与断面几何形状,发现影响冲裁模寿命主要因素是摩擦磨损。摩擦磨损的速度,决定于冲裁工艺特性形成的瞬时失载——冲击而引起冲床,冲裁模整个系统的机械振动。振动的强弱不仅与冲裁力大小有关,而且与冲床、冲裁模整个系统的质量、刚度有关。 本文着重分析了决定冲裁模寿命的以下两个问题; 1对模具材料,按冲裁生产实际进行优选,按最大限度地发挥其物理机械性能为原则因材施工。且忌延用一般的标准工艺。 2在拟订冲裁工艺、确定工艺参数、设计冲裁模具,注意改善冲裁应力过份集中,切实消除一切振源。提出以下主要措施: (1)采用级进模,改善刃口应力过分集中、提高冲裁工艺性的同时,必须优先解决、送料磨修等可能发生的麻烦问题。 (2)选用合理均匀的间隙。特别注意在冲裁全过程中确保合理均匀间隙。 (3)注意冲裁生产时润滑的作用。 (4)在可能的生产条件下,提高冲裁模与冲床整个系统的质量和刚度。 本文试就提高合金工具钢冲裁模寿命作一较详细的分析,提出一些相应措施,以引起讨论使冲裁模寿命从必然王国向自由王国过渡。同时为广泛使用硬质合金制造冲裁模提供生产实践的依据。 This paper gives an overview of the foreign literature on the die wear mechanism of various expositions, reveals the appearance of the wear edge and cross-section geometry, found that the impact of die life is the main factor of friction and wear. The speed of friction and wear depends on the instantaneous load-impact caused by the punching process characteristics, which causes the mechanical vibration of the entire system of the punch press and punching die. The strength of the vibration is not only related to the size of the blanking force, but also relates to the quality and rigidity of the entire system of the punch and blanking die. This article focuses on the analysis of the following two questions determine the life of blanking die; 1 die material, according to the actual production of blanking optimization, according to maximize the physical and mechanical properties of the principle of construction of materials. And avoid using the standard process in general. 2 in the preparation of blanking process to determine the process parameters, blanking die design, pay attention to improving the blanking stress is too concentrated, and effectively eliminate all vibration source. Proposed the following main measures: (1) the use of progressive die to improve the edge stress excessive concentration, improve the punching process at the same time, we must give priority to solve the feeding mill repair and other possible troubles. (2) Choose a reasonable uniform gap. Pay special attention to ensure a reasonable uniform gap in the whole process of blanking. (3) pay attention to the role of blazing production lubrication. (4) Improve the quality and rigidity of the entire system of blanking dies and punches under the possible production conditions. This paper tries to improve the life of alloy tooling blanking die to make a more detailed analysis and put forward some corresponding measures to arouse the discussion of blanking die life from the inevitable kingdom to the transition from the free kingdom. At the same time for the extensive use of carbide stamping die to provide the basis for the production practice.
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