
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdwm
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随着我国石油企业近几年的快速发展,石油领域在我国的国民经济上有了自己的建树,技术和开发原油上都已经达到国际的先进水平,从1995年我国已经是出口石油的大国,石油企业承担着生产石油的重大负担,并且压力也在日益增长。当今时代,就是科学技术发展的时代,科学技术越来越发达,网络,信息越来越普及,同样,经济多元化和全球化要求石油企业必须跟所时代的发展紧跟国际先进领域。其中在原油的开发和开采环节是一个基础且重要的流程,因此未来符合我国各种差异的地形特征和地质特点,相继提出了很多钻井技术和工艺,并且这些技术和工艺也在快速的发展着。在五十年代至今,我国的钻井技术越来越先进,但是,我国在与西方发达国家相比仍处于较低的水平。在某些程度上讲还不能满足生产的要求,所以钻井领域还存在着一些需要及时解决的问题这些问题如果不及时的解决将会影响是有企业的经济效益。本文就这些年钻井技术上出现的问题讨论了怎样如何提高钻井技术以及如何改变钻井技术的现状。 With the rapid development of China’s petroleum enterprises in recent years, the petroleum field has made its own contribution to the national economy of our country. Both the technology and the development of crude oil have reached the international advanced level. Since 1995, China has become a big oil exporting country, Oil companies bear the heavy burden of producing oil, and the pressure is also growing. In the same era, economic diversification and globalization require that oil companies must follow the development of the world in keeping with the international advanced fields. Among them, the development and exploitation of crude oil is a basic and important process. Therefore, in the future, it is in line with topographical features and geological features of various kinds of differences in our country. Many drilling technologies and processes have been proposed one after another, and these technologies and processes are rapidly developing . Since the 1950s, drilling technology in our country has been getting more and more advanced. However, compared with the developed countries in the West, our country is still at a relatively low level. To some extent, it still can not meet the requirements of production. Therefore, there are still some problems needing to be solved in time in the drilling field. If these problems are not solved in a timely manner, it will affect the economic benefits of enterprises. This paper discusses how to improve drilling technology and how to change the status quo of drilling technology on the problems of drilling technology in these years.
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