Formation of City-Lake Integrated Urban Morphology in Hangzhou: A Study on the Related History Start

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyong
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In the early modern times in China, local planners have made several construction plans for Hangzhou’s old city center and the West Lake, resulting in the gradual formation of a city-lake integrated urban form, which is valued nowadays for its uniqueness and characteristically Chinese cityscape aesthetics. The key plan that spurred this process of linking the old city with the West Lake was a plan titled “Building a New Market”(1914). By elucidating the time, process, and contents of the plan, this paper analyzes the spatial transformation of the lakefront districts based on old maps, and then interprets how it led the forming process of the “city-lake integrated” urban form in Hangzhou. In the early modern times in China, local planners have made several construction plans for Hangzhou’s old city center and the West Lake, resulting in the gradual formation of a city-lake integrated urban form, which is valued nowadays for its uniqueness and characteristically Chinese cityscape The key plan that spurred this process of linking the old city with the West Lake was a plan titled “Building a New Market” (1914). By elucidating the time, process, and contents of the plan, the spatial transformation of the lakefront districts based on old maps, and then interprets how it led the forming process of the “city-lake integrated” urban forms in Hangzhou.
作者采用随机对照试验比较了用大、小剂量α干扰素治疗及不治疗对慢性丁型肝炎的效果。 本研究包括42例患者,年龄为18~60岁。所有患者的血清HBsAg阳性,IgG、IgM抗-HDV阳性;在
现将我们所遇一家2代5例慢性假性肠梗阻报告如下: 病例报告: 例1:先证者,男,16岁,住院号931110。1991年起腹胀急性发作与缓解反复交替达2年。发作时有恶心、呕吐,伴水样腹泻
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