There were 254 males and 151 females, ranging from 2 months to 68 years old, 54.8% of whom were from 1 to 14 years of age and 26.2% of those from 15 to 30 years of age. 68 cases had a family history of 211 cases of primary, secondary to 194 cases, of which febrile seizures, traumatic brain injury, encephalitis sequelae as the most common cause. There are 232 cases of trigger factors, including 91 cases of mental stimulation, fever in 54 cases, fatigue in 36 cases, 21 cases of inappropriate medication. EEG a total of 491 cases, 33 cases of normal, 16 cases of demarcation, abnormal 356 cases, spike slow wave, sharp wave synthesis for the most. There were 20 seizures, with generalized tonic-clonic (44%), mixed episodes (7.2%), headache-type epilepsy (6.9%), clonic seizures (6.4%), infantile spasms (4.0%), More common. This group and more use of a single anti-epileptic drug treatment, the effective rate of 90.1%.