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学习贯彻《农民专业合作社法》专题2006年10月31日《农民专业合作社法》颁布,于今年7月1日起实施,期间有长达8个月的过渡期。在过渡期,一方面,有关方面要制定相关配套办法,如农民专业合作社登记管理办法的起草、示范章程的修订、财务会计办法的制定等;另一方面,包括工商部门在内各级政府、农村干部和农民也有较充裕的时间来学习、理解、贯彻《农民专业合作社法》。按照年初全国工商行政管理工作会议有关“创新服务‘三农’工作机制,积极促进农民专业合作社的发展”精神,本刊编辑部今年将《农民专业合作社法》的学习贯彻作为宣传报道重点之一,为读者解读法律,调研基层,组织研讨,敬请关注,欢迎来稿。 Studying and implementing the topic of “Farmer Professional Cooperatives Law” Promulgated on October 31, 2006, the Law on Farmer Professional Cooperatives came into operation on July 1 this year with a transition period of up to eight months. During the transitional period, on the one hand, the relevant parties should formulate relevant supporting measures such as drafting the procedures for the registration and management of farmer specialized cooperatives, revising the model constitution, and formulating financial accounting measures; on the other hand, government agencies at all levels, including the industrial and commercial departments, The rural cadres and peasants also have plenty of time to learn, understand and carry out the Law of Farmer Cooperatives. According to the National Work Conference on Industrial and Commercial Administration at the beginning of this year, regarding the spirit of “innovating and serving the agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and actively promoting the development of farmer cooperatives, the editorial department of this magazine takes the study and implementation of Law on Farmer Cooperatives this year as one of the focuses of publicity , Interpret the law for the reader, research grass-roots, organize seminars, so stay tuned, welcome contributions.
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