
来源 :中华航空航天医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunweidong123
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航空药理学是药理学与航空医学交叉渗透形成的一门边缘学科,它研究航空条件下(或在航空应激因素影响下)药物与机体的相互作用,特别是药物对飞行工作能力的影响。国外对中枢兴奋药、镇静催眠药、核化条件下防护药物(止吐药和神经毒剂防护药)、抗运动病药、心血管系统药物以及酒精等药物的航空药效学进行了较系统的研究。在高技术条件下局部战争中应用精神药物调节飞行人员的生物节律和抗疲劳是重要的航空卫生保障措施。国外对核化条件下飞行人员防护药物的航空药效学进行了系统评价,并常规进行飞行事故中有关毒物、药物因素的检测。我国的航空药理学研究亦取得了一些创新性成果,如成功研制了抗运动病Ⅰ类新药盐酸苯环壬酯。中药在航空医学中的应用具有我国的特色和优势,如多种复方中药具有提高机体对缺氧、加速度、微波等航空应激因素的耐受性。但我国的航空药理学研究无论在广度还是深度上均与世界先进水平存在明显差距。本文对如何加强我国该领域的研究提出了建议。 Aviation pharmacology is an interdisciplinary discipline formed by the cross-penetration of pharmacology and aviation medicine. It studies the interaction between drugs and the body under aeronautical conditions (or under the influence of aviation stressors), and in particular, the impact of drugs on the ability of flight. The aviation pharmacodynamics of central stimulants, sedatives and hypnotics, protective drugs (antiemetics and neuroprotectants), anti-motion sickness drugs, cardiovascular system drugs and alcohol drugs under the condition of nucleation are systematically studied abroad the study. The application of psychotropic drugs in local wars in high-tech conditions to regulate the biological rhythm and fatigue resistance of pilots is an important aviation health safeguard. In the foreign countries, the aviation pharmacodynamics of pilots’ protective drugs under the condition of nuclear weapons were systematically evaluated, and the related poison and drug factors in flight accidents were routinely tested. China’s aviation pharmacology research has also made some innovative achievements, such as the successful development of a class of new anti-motion sickness phencynonate hydrochloride. The application of traditional Chinese medicine in aviation medicine has the characteristics and advantages of our country. For example, a variety of traditional Chinese medicines can improve the tolerance of the body to aviation stress factors such as hypoxia, acceleration and microwaves. However, there is a clear gap between China’s aviation pharmacology research and the world’s advanced level both in breadth and depth. This article puts forward some suggestions on how to strengthen our research in this field.
目的观察骨形态形成蛋白(BMP) 4对大鼠远端肺动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMCs)内Smad信号通路的影响,探讨其对瞬时受体电位离子通道(TRPC)蛋白1和6的作用。方法雄性Wistar大鼠6只,体重280~300 g,显微分离远端肺动脉酶消化法原代培养高纯度PASMCs,检测BMP4对于Smad信号通路的激活,利用BMP受体Ⅱ(BMPRⅡ)的小干扰RNA(SiRNA),选择性抑制Smad信号通路,探
农村改水是指在现有水源基础上,提高取水、输水、供水工艺,采取水质净化、消毒措施,使之达到生活饮用水卫生标准,让农民吃上像城里一样的安全卫生水。 Water improvement in