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在5月30日召开的具有新的里程碑意义的“科技三会”上,习近平总书记发出为建设世界科技强国而奋斗的伟大号召。总书记在大会上的重要讲话和今年年初编辑出版的《习近平关于科技创新重要论述摘编》,围绕建设创新型国家和世界科技强国,提出了一系列新思想、新论断、新要求。深入学习贯彻习近平总书记科技 On May 30, a landmark conference on “science and technology,” General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a great call for building a world science and technology powerhouse. The important speech delivered by the General Secretary at the conference and the “Summary of Key Processes of Science and Technology Innovation” edited and published by Xi Jinping earlier this year put forward a series of new ideas, new assertions and new requirements around building an innovative country and a world science and technology powerhouse. In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping, general secretary of science and technology
Industrialized mass production of sheet glass started just after the Industrial Revolution in 18th-19th Century.The Crystal Palace was erected for the first Gre