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我公司是一个以零售为主,批零兼营的国营商业企业,现有7000名职工,42个基层单位。1990年实现商品零售额7.3亿元,在1987~1989年平均年递增25%的基础上,又比上年增长15.6%,在城近郊八个区同行业中,商品零售额、增长绝对值、增长幅度、人均劳效都名列前茅。改革开放以来,首都副食品市场发生了很大变化,市场的变化给企业的经营增加了难度。为此,近年来我们在企业经营指导思想上实现了三个转变:一是从单纯为保市场、满足计划商品供应,向繁荣活跃市场,主动引导消费,满足多方面、多层次消费需求转变;二是从单纯注重销售向搞好全方位服 Our company is a state-owned commercial enterprise with retail as the mainstay and wholesale and retail operation. It has 7,000 employees and 42 grass-roots units. In 1990, the retail sales of commodities reached 730 million yuan, which increased by an average of 25% from 1987 to 1989, and increased by 15.6% over the previous year. In the eight industries in the suburbs of the city, the retail sales of goods, the absolute value of growth, The growth rate and labor efficiency per capita are among the best. Since the reform and opening up, the capital non-staple food market has undergone great changes, and changes in the market have made it more difficult for companies to operate. To this end, in recent years we have achieved three transformations in our guiding principles for business operations: First, we will continue to guide the consumption from the sole purpose of ensuring the market, satisfying the supply of planned commodities, actively stimulating consumption, and satisfying the transformation of multi-faceted and multi-level consumer demand; The second is to do a full range of services from a pure focus on sales
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商业部胡平部长“在日本国工商界研讨会上的演讲”中,共讲了五个问题,现将后三个问题全文刊登如下: Minister Hu Ping of the Ministry of Commerce stated five questions