Expression of mTOR/P70 S6K in oral acinic cell carcinoma

来源 :Journal of Microbiology and Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dl_zsf
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This study was aimed to observe the expression of P70 S6 kinase(P70 S6K)in oral acinic cell carcinoma.PT0 S6 kinase expression was examined by means of Western-blot test and Activity as- say.Specimens were from 30 cases of oral acinic cell carcinoma and 15 cases of normal oral tissue were used as controls.Statistical analysis software SPSS10.0 was used for t test to determine the relationship between gene expression and clinical features.The expression level of P70 S6K increased obviously in oral acinic cell carcinoma tissue(P<0.01).Activity assay was the same as the Westemblot test(P<0.01).P70 S6K expression level and activity played an important role in the development of oral acinic cell carcinoma.In conclusion,P70 S6K is amplified and overexpressed in oral acinic cell carci- noma tissue,which suggests a potential oncogenic function.P70 S6K and other possible targets of mTOR contribute significantly to tumor development and that inhibition of these proteins may be thera- peutic for cancer patients.Overexpression of P70 S6K may be involved in the pathogenesis of oral acin- ic cell carcinoma. This study was aimed to observe the expression of P70 S6 kinase (P70 S6K) in oral acinic cell carcinoma. PT0 S6 kinase expression was examined by means of Western-blot test and Activity as- say. Specimens were from 30 cases of oral acinic cell carcinoma and 15 cases of normal oral tissue were used as controls. Statistical analysis software SPSS10.0 was used for t test to determine the relationship between gene expression and clinical features. The expression level of P70 S6K increased obviously in oral acinic cell carcinoma tissue ( P70 S6K expression level and activity played an important role in the development of oral acinic cell carcinoma. In conclusion, P70 S6K was amplified and overexpressed in oral (P <0.01) .Activity assay was the same as the Westemblot test acinic cell carci- noma tissue, which suggests a potential oncogenic function. P70 S6K and other possible targets of mTOR contribute significantly to tumor development and that inhibition of these proteins may be thera- peutic for cancer patients. Overexpression of P70 S6K may be involved in the pathogenesis of oral acin-ic cell carcinoma.
心理苦闷(Psychologic distress)是一种外部应激因素引发的短暂性情感反应。它被认为是脊髓损伤(SCI)后心理调整的唯一最重要指征。本文研究几个变量(包括康复保险赔付的类
时下,仍有不少丧偶的中老年人抱着“老来只是找个伴”的想法再婚。由于与对方没有满意的性生活,而影响了夫妻感情。因此,离婚者大有人在,王女士就是其中的一位。  今年45岁的王女士,3年前老公去世,去年儿子考上了大学,去了外地。她一人在家,这才感到了孤独和寂寞。于是,她萌发了再找个老伴的念头。经同事介绍,她和齐老师认识了。齐老师51岁,妻子去世5年多了。他们一见面,彼此谈得来,有好感,3个月后就结婚了。
根据国家标准GB 3358- 82《统计学名词及符号》的有关规定 ,本刊对经常使用的统计学名词及符号做如下要求 :(1)样本的算术平均数用英文小写 x ,不用大写X ;(2 )标准差用英文小写