元话语(metad iscourse)是指语篇中能标示话语结构、提请对方注意或表明发话者态度的各种语言手段。从元话语的功能入手,以Hyland和Tse(2004)提出的元话语类别为参照系,阐明在话语交际过程中,元话语的使用可以消解说话人中心,有助于成功地完成语言交际任务,对人际关系有建构作用。
Metad iscourse refers to various language means that can mark the structure of discourse in the discourse and draw the other party’s attention or indicate the speaker’s attitude. Starting from the function of meta-discourse, taking meta-discourse categories proposed by Hyland and Tse (2004) as the frame of reference, it is clarified that the use of meta-discourse can dispel the speaker center in the process of discourse communication and help to successfully accomplish the task of language communication. Has a constructive role in human relations.