走进江苏万翔集团,只见这里等着装运涤纶短纤维的货车排成长龙,仓库里备用的原料堆积如山,一派兴旺、繁忙景象。说起来也许令人难以相信,18个月前,这里还是一个亏损大户,几救无效,被有关方面判为“患有绝症”的企业。 “万翔”的前身为江阴市第一化纤厂。它创建于1981年,在“七五”和“八五”初期,有过发展快、效益好、贡献大的辉煌历史,曾撷取“中国
Into the Jiangsu Wanxiang Group, I saw here waiting for a row of polyester staple fiber trucks to grow. The raw materials in the warehouse are piled up like mountains and they are thriving and busy. It may be hard to believe that, 18 months ago, it was still a large loss-making bank, which was ineffective when it was saved, and it was judged by the relevant authorities as a company with “definite illness”. “Wanxiang” was formerly the first chemical fiber plant in Jiangyin City. It was founded in 1981. During the early period of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” and “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, it had a splendid history of rapid development, good returns, and great contributions.