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芦荟,因其叶片的上下表皮层具有角质层,是一种不产生虫害、本身具有很强杀菌作用的植物,几乎没有什么虫害的产生。近有研究报告指出,芦荟所含的芦荟大黄素对无脊椎动物以及一些环节动物、软体动物和节肢动物,如蜗牛、虱子、蜘蛛、昆虫等都有毒杀作用。其可以穿入害虫的外胚层或外骨骼而发挥作用。芦荟提取液正在被专业植保部门用作无公害的杀虫剂。所以,种植芦荟一般不必喷洒杀虫剂。芦荟在生长健壮的情况下,也很少发生病害。但当种植密度太大,土壤潮湿,杂草丛生,或受到低温危害后,叶部会发生黑斑病。这是一种真菌引起的芦荟叶部病害,会影响芦荟的产量和质量,一般可采用农业技术措施进行有效的防治。主要措施有:保护芦荟群体植株通风透气性良好;及时排除田间积水,控制土壤湿度,清除低温高湿和高温高湿对芦荟生长的危害;及时根除杂草,促进芦荟健壮生长,以达到良好的防病效果。一般不主张喷施农药,在万不得已的情况下,可以喷洒“百菌清”预防真菌病害,但喷药后半个月以内,不能采收芦荟叶片,以免芦荟产品受到污染,损害消费者健康。 Aloe vera, because of its upper and lower epidermis with stratum corneum, is a non-pest production, itself has a strong bactericidal effect of plants, almost no pests. A recent research report pointed out that aloe contains aloe emodin on invertebrates and some annelids, molluscs and arthropods, such as snails, lice, spiders, insects and other toxic effects. It can penetrate the pest’s ectoderm or exoskeleton and play a role. Aloe extract is being used as a non-polluting pesticide by the specialized plant protection department. Therefore, planting aloe vera generally do not have to spray pesticides. Aloe vera in the robust growth of the situation, but also rarely disease. But when the planting density is too high, the soil damp, overgrown, or endangered by low temperature, leaf spot will occur black spot disease. This is a fungal disease caused by leaves of aloe, will affect the yield and quality of aloe, the general technical measures can be used for agricultural effective prevention and treatment. The main measures are: protection of aloe groups of plants ventilation and good ventilation; timely rule out the field water, soil moisture control, clear the low temperature and humidity and high temperature and humidity on the growth of aloe damage; timely eradication of weeds and promote the robust growth of aloe to achieve good Anti-disease effect. Generally do not advocate the spraying of pesticides, as a last resort, you can spray “Chlorothalonil ” to prevent fungal diseases, but within half a month after spraying, can not harvest aloe leaves to avoid contamination of aloe products, damage to consumers health.
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