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大足石刻,世界闻名,吸引着大批中外游客前来游览;大足,还有一个有名,那就是国防教育。不信,笔者随便给你讲几个故事,你就服了。 一项决定唤起国防热 1996年“八一”建军节前,县人武部组织县五大班子领导和有关部门的同志到登去机场参观。看完飞机后,场站领导指着对面一片庄稼地说:“这些原本是机窝,隐藏飞机的,现在都被老百姓毁坏,种上了庄稼。”听这情况,县领导感到非常震惊。长期的和平环境,全民国防意识逐渐淡化。一些人进入市场,忘了国防;联想起青年外出经商务工,不愿意应征入伍;民兵队伍有组织却找不着人等现象,县委作出了大力加强全县国防教育的决定。一是随即使相关的组织得以健全,建规立矩,增强国防意识,将国防教育纳入中小学教学内容,乡镇武装部建设纳入年度目标考核内容,对国防教育先进单位和先进个人每年表彰一次。5年来,领导换了一届又一届,但加强国防教育的措施,一届比一届落实得好。国防热在石刻之乡一浪高过一浪。 Dazu Rock Carvings, world-famous, attracting a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists come to visit; Dazu, there is a well-known, that is, national defense education. Do not believe, I just tell you a few stories, you served. A Decision Arousing National Heat Before the “August 1” military establishment in 1996, the comrades of the five top-level groups in the County People’s Armed Forces and County Factions and their counterparts went to visit the airport. After reading the plane, the leader of the station pointed to the opposite side of the field and said, “These were originally wickets and hidden aircraft. Now they are destroyed by the common people and planted crops.” The leaders of the county were very shocked to hear this. Long-term peaceful environment, national awareness of national defense gradually weakened. Some people entered the market and forgot national defense; they reminded young people of going out to trade and unwilling to enlist in the army; the organized militia groups were unable to find anyone, and the county party committee made the decision to vigorously strengthen national defense education in the county. First, relevant organizations were immediately established, rules and regulations were established, awareness of national defense was enhanced, national defense education was included in the teaching content of primary and secondary schools, and the construction of township armed forces departments was included in the annual goal assessment content. The advanced units and advanced individuals in national defense education were honored annually. Over the past five years, the leadership has been changed over and over again. However, the measures for strengthening national defense education have been implemented well after one session. National defense heat in the stone village one wave after wave.
近日在京举行的农机产品专题会议上,中国农业机械化科学研究院副院长宣鸿分析了目前农机产品存在的五大问题: 一是企业创新能力不足,高档产品少,出口产品质量参差不齐,出口
2003年4月18日,国内第一家上市咨询机构、著名咨询公司赛迪顾问股份有限公司在上海主办了“2003年中国IT资本年会”,研讨产业与资本融合的大趋势、大对策。 April 18, 2003
孔子是中国著名的思想家、教育家,儒家学派的创始人,其生平事迹于正史可征。但作为古之名人,后世附益,在所难免。古代群籍所载孔子逸事佚言颇多,古代小说中孔子的形象也丰富而多样。  比如关于麒麟吐宝书、孔子为汉制法及通天意,在小说中是如此描述的:  鲁哀公十四年,孔子夜梦三槐之间,丰、沛之帮,有赤氤气起,乃呼颜回、子路同往观之。驱车到楚西北范氏街,见刍儿打麟,伤其左前足,束薪覆之。孔子曰:“儿来,汝姓为
1篆琴飞等愁毕湘裂奋犷诵裂毛瓷落聋茹I 么安徽省六安市叶集中学高三(4)班 吴章丽★★★* 生动、细腻.打动人心.本期之星非 你莫属了l希望能再次见到你的作品哦. 月‘月肠刀
在技术越来越先进、资源越来越集中、产品成本越来越低的中国经济潮流中,似乎中小企业只有被扫荡出局的宿命。 然而,广州一家小小的当地鲜奶直销品牌——小牧童,却书写出了