Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma of Penis: A Case Report

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengjjing
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Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (EOS) is rare and commonly arises in the retroperitoneum, limbs, head and neck. There is no significant difference between EOS and other malignant tumors in soft tissue. Localized pain and swelling are the common presenting symptoms. Clinical diagnosis of EOS is difficult, imaging techniques may be helpful and careful, and the histopathological analysis is necessary. The common histological variants of EOS include: osteoblastoma, chondroblastoma, and fibroblastoma, and other unusual subtypes were reported occasionally. It should be distinguished with myositis ossificans, malignant mesenchymoma, giant cell tumor and parosteal osteosarcoma. We present an EOS arising in the penis. The primary site and histological category of the tumor were extremely rare. We hope the case will be helpful to the recognition of clinical signs, iconography and histopathology of EOS. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (EOS) is rare and commonly arises in the retroperitoneum, limbs, head and neck. There is no significant difference between EOS and other malignant tumors in soft tissue. Localized pain and swelling are the common presenting symptoms. Clinical diagnosis of EOS is Difficult, imaging techniques may be helpful and careful, and the histopathological analysis is necessary. The common histological variants of EOS include: osteoblastoma, chondroblastoma, and fibroblastoma, and other unusual subtypes were reported occasionally. It should be distinguished with myositis ossificans, malignant mesenchymoma , giant cell tumor and parosteal osteosarcoma. We present an EOS arising in the penis. The primary site and histological category of the tumor was extremely rare. We hope the case will be helpful to the recognition of clinical signs, iconography and histopathology of EOS.
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原料 猪肘肉一斤(带皮),白糖二钱,酱油六钱,清汤一两半,绍酒三钱,葱、姜各少许,姜末五分,味精一分,八角两粒,糖色二分,花生油二斤(约耗三钱)。 制法 1.用铁叉子或铁筷子将猪