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This article argues that the problem of modernity concerns the circumstances of existence and human destiny in modern times.To understand the nature of this problem and find the corresponding solution,we need to reinterpret the thought of Karl Marx regarding the contradictions of human existence and its historical dimensions.Following Marx's line of thinking,this article reviews his critical sequence,creative transformation,and development of duality of thought on man and the world in Western history,focusing on the following four issues:(1) how Marx,on the basis of man's sensuous objective activities,observes the duality of man and the world as well as the relationship between man's internal and external activities;(2) how Marx discloses the true connotation and real significance of man's historical existence,history,and historicity;(3) how Marx reveals the inherent contradictions of modern capitalist society and the destiny of modern man based on historic thought concerning man's existence;and (4)by praising Marx's views on material production and the eternal significance of ancient Greek culture,the article reveals another dimension of Marx's thought,a dimension that tends to be ignored.This article holds that in this era of globalization,it is extremely important and urgent to have an in-depth understanding of Marx's historical thoughts regarding human existence and of the feasibility of his theory.Moreover,it is imperative to further develop this understanding to create a clearer picture of our own path of development and our outlook on humanity.
[摘 要]不同时代,有不同的金融关系,调整金融关系的法律必然也存在差异。不同时代具有不同的金融法现象,历史上法律对金融的调整要么是确认一定的金融关系合法要么是限制禁止一定的金融关系,现代金融规制是深入到金融关系内部对金融关系进行改造,以金融交易关系为基础,对金融利益进行再平衡。  [关键词]金融法;国家干预;金融规制;习惯法  法律在本质上就是一种规则,古往今来呈现出各种形式。从原始社会的习俗习惯
阿格尼斯.赫勒(Agnes Heller)是一位历经磨难却永不屈服的智慧而坚强的女性,她的不同寻常的人生经历决定性地影响了其思想历程及理论关切。赫勒1929年生于匈牙利首都布达佩斯
摘要:鉴于管理体制与业务操作同其他的商业银行有很大的不同,农村信用合作社在旧体制下积累的深层次矛盾已经不断暴露。日益增长的金融风险已经危及到农村信用合作社的 金融安全,本文就多家农村信用合作社进行调查,讨论和分析了金融风险的诱因以及对应的防范对策。  关键词:农村信用合作社;原因;防范对策    引言  控制农村信用社的金融风险在促进我国农村信用社的改革以及确保农村金融健康发展等方面有着极其深