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在展开正式论述之前,有必要先澄清一个事实:笼统的称“档案利用率不高”是不科学的。因为各类原始文件经立卷、归档而成档案以后,又历经档案室暂时保存和档案馆长久保存两个阶段。在档案室阶段,档案的利用者绝大部分是其形成者,外部需求极小。因为本机关要不时查用档案信息,利用的频率和人数其实是很高的。而只是到了移交档案馆之后,档案利用率不高的问题才逐渐凸现出来。所以,通常所指的“档案利用率不高”,是针对档案馆保存阶段而言的。那么,到底是什么原因阻碍了档案这一重要信息资源的广泛利用呢?本文试图从文献传播的角度,较为系统地加以考察,研究各种尚需加强的工作环节,以使档案信息资源在信息社会中更大限度地发挥其作用。 Before starting a formal discussion, it is necessary to first clarify the fact that it is unscientific to state that “the utilization rate of archives is not high”. Because all kinds of original documents after the roll up, archiving and archives, but also through the archives temporary preservation and archive long-term preservation of two stages. In the archives stage, the vast majority of users of archives are their formations, with minimal external demands. Because this organ from time to time to check the file information, the frequency of use and the number is actually very high. But only after the transfer of archives, the issue of the utilization rate of the files is gradually emerging. Therefore, the commonly referred to as “archives utilization is not high,” is for archival preservation stage. So, in the end what is hindering the extensive use of archives, an important information resource? This article attempts to study from the perspective of literature dissemination, to study various still need to strengthen the work links, so that the file information resources in the information The role of society in a greater extent.
张丽萍同学在《张海迪给我的启迪》的作文中有这样一段文字:「海迪姐姐:你是一面熠熠发光的宝镜,照亮了我的心。我多想用我健康的身躯替换你,让你幸福。 In the compositio
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今年高考语文试卷的作文题是看图作文。这幅漫画层次清楚,简明适度,富有较浓厚的生活气息,也切合考生实际水平,较近几年的作文试题,在考查学生的智能上,有所创新。 This ye