Catalytic Action of Nanoparticle on Electrodeposition of Nickel

来源 :材料保护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhjjchj
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The electrochemical behavior from n-Al2 O3 or n-SiO2 composite brush plating system and quick nickel solution were investigated using cyclicvoltammetry. The interaction between nanoparticle and matrix metal nickel was researched by X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometry. The electrochemical experimental data indicated that nanoparticles lead to increasing of the current efficiency as well as decreasing of overpotential. The results showed that the nanoparticle took part in the electrode reaction during nickel electrocrystallization and could catalyze the nickel electrodeposition. During the electrocrystallization process, some of nanoparticles were captured effectively on the growing metal surface. As the absorbed nickel atoms were diffusing on metal growth surface, some of them arrived at the interface between the captured nanoparticle and the growing metal surface. The unsaturated bond of oxygen on nanoparticle surface could capture some of the absorbed nickel atoms and form nickel-oxygen chemical bond. It was proved that the chemical bond interaction exists in the interface between nanoparticles surface and matrix metal nickel.
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