Design and Implementation of MAC Layer in 155.520Mbps Broadband Fiber Optic MAN

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chao19890103
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The fiber optic technology has matured to the point where Metropolitan Area Networks(MAN)can be built to operate at speeds from 150Mbps to more than 1Gbps.This paper in-troduces an experimental fiber optic MAN.The topology of this MAN is an open looped dualbus,and the data rate at each bus is 155.520 Mbps.We apply ATM technique and modified802.6 DQDB MAC protocol,using universal packet switching.The cell format is completelycompatible with B-ISDN cell.Through gateway the MAN can be interconnected with theBroadband Data Microwave Network,VSAT,Satellite Broadcast TV System,and Ether-net.There are up to 254 nodes connecting to the network,and the distance between two ad-jacent nodes covers more than 5 kilometers.We use 1.3μm SMF as the transmission medi-um.This paper emphasizes on the design and implementation of the Medium Access Control(MAC)Protocol. The fiber optic technology has matured to the point where Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) can be built to operate at speeds from 150 Mbps to more than 1 Gbps. This paper in-troduces an experimental fiber optic MAN. The topology of this MAN is an open looped dualbus, and the data rate at each bus is 155.520 Mbps. We apply ATM technique and modified 802.6 DQDB MAC protocol, using universal packet switching. The cell format is completely compatible with B-ISDN cell.Through gateway the MAN can be interconnected with the Broadband Data Microwave Network, VSAT, Satellite Broadcast TV System, and Ether-net.There are up to 254 nodes connecting to the network, and the distance between two ad-jacent nodes covers more than 5 kilometers. We use 1.3 μm SMF as the transmission medi-um.This paper emphasizes on the design and implementation of the Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol.
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Highly ordered TiO_2 nanotube arrays(NTAs) on Si substrate possess broad applications due to its high surfaceto-volume ratio and novel functionalities, however,
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