A Magic Trip in Rio里约大冒险

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  Blu is a macaw(金刚鹦鹉). He lives with his owner(主人) and best friend Linda. Their house is in a small town in Minnesota(明尼苏达州) in the US. Blu is not like(像) other birds. He cannot fly.
  Blu and Linda think he is the last one of his kind(种类). One day, they get a piece of surprising(令人惊奇的) news. There is another female(雌的) macaw. She is Jewel in Rio de Janeiro(里約热内瓦).
  Blu and Linda decide to go to the faraway(遥远的) land to find Jewel. Soon after they arrive in Rio, a group of bad people kidnaps(绑架) them. Jewel and some bird friends help them.
  Blu likes Jewel. She is like an angel(天使) in his eyes. Blu finds courage(勇气) to follow his dream. He decides to learn to fly. He fails(失败) many times. He keeps trying. Can Blu do it? You can find the answer in the movie Rio(《里约大冒险》).
  Blu has bright blue feathers(羽毛). At first, he lives indoors(在室内) every day. He likes this kind of life. Then he finds out the best thing for a bird is to fly. He tries hard to learn to fly.
  Jewel is a beautiful female bird. She wears a red flower on her head. She is very brave and independent(独立的). She isn’t afraid of bugs(昆虫).
  Rafael is a toucan(巨嘴鸟). He has a big orange beak(鸟嘴). He is one of Blu’s new friends in Rio.
  Luiz is a bulldog(牛斗犬). He looks mean(刻薄的), but he is kind and friendly. He helps Blu a lot.
  A macaw is a kind of parrot. Macaws usually live in America(美洲). They are among(在……之中) the most beautiful parrots. Their feathers are bright and colorful. They have very long tails(尾巴).
  Macaws eat many different things. Look at their menu(菜单): fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves and flowers.
  1. Where does Blu live?
  A. The UK B. The US C. Brazil
  2. Who is Blu’s best friend?
  A. Luiz B. Jewel C. Linda
  3. What don’t macaws like to eat?
  A. Bugs B. Fruits C. Flowers
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