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于1993-1995年,用免疫法防治皱纹盘鲍脓疱病。河流弧菌-Ⅱ分离自大连水产养殖公司、太平洋海珍品养殖公司的患脓疱病的皱纹盘鲍;健康皱纹盘鲍,由大连水产养殖公司石庙苗种厂提供。鲍血淋巴细胞的体外吞噬实验:取健康皱纹盘鲍的血淋巴与肝素和菌液按一定比例混合后,置湿盒内37℃培养30min,取一滴涂片,吕氏液染色后观察。用该病原菌制做菌苗,大量扩增病原菌,用0.1%-1.0%的甲醛洗下菌苔,处理24-120h,用生理盐水反复清洗,除掉甲醛;再用生理盐水稀释到所需浓度。通过反复传代降低毒性,制成活菌苗。用两种菌苗在稚鲍、一龄鲍(2-3cm)和成鲍(6-8cm)上实验。结果表明,鲍的血淋巴细胞约有三种,三种细胞都有吞噬细菌的能力,有的细胞象变形虫样变形,在细胞膜上吸附着很多细菌,有的细菌已被吞到细胞内;该病原菌可同鲍的血清发生凝集反应;菌苗的效果明显,可提高成活率约50%以上。由上述结果可见,皱纹盘鲍的血淋巴细胞具有吞噬细菌的能力,在菌苗的作用下,血淋巴细胞增殖并活跃地吞噬异源致病菌,同时鲍血液中的免疫因子也被激活,参与免疫的过程,使皱纹盘鲍成活率明显提高。 In 1993-1995, immunodeficiency was used to control abscess abalone. River Vibrio-Ⅱ isolated from the Dalian Aquaculture Company, the Pacific Seafood Company breeding impetigo abalone Haliotis discus hannai; health abalone Abalone, from Dalian aquaculture company Shimiao seedling plant to provide. Bowel blood lymphocytes in vitro phagocytosis experiment: Take healthy hemolymph abalone haemolymph and heparin and bacteria according to a certain percentage of mixed, set the wet box at 37 ℃ for 30min, take a drop of smear, Lu stain observation. Bacterial vaccine is made by the pathogen, a large number of pathogenic bacteria are amplified, the lawn is washed with 0.1% -1.0% formaldehyde for 24-120h, washed repeatedly with normal saline to remove the formaldehyde, and then diluted with physiological saline to the required concentration . Through repeated passages to reduce toxicity, made of live vaccine. The two bacterins were tested on juvenile abalone, first-age abalone (2-3 cm) and adult abalone (6-8 cm). The results showed that there are about three kinds of hemocytes in the abalone. All three cells have the ability of phagocytizing. Some cells like the amoeba deformity, many bacteria are adsorbed on the cell membrane, and some bacteria have been swallowed into the cells; Pathogenic bacteria with Bao serum agglutination reaction; bacterin obvious effect, can improve the survival rate of about 50%. From the above results, it can be seen that the hemolymph cells of abalone Haliotis discus hannai have the ability of phagocytizing bacteria. Under the action of the bacterin, hemolymph cells proliferate and actively engulf heterologous pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, immune factors in Bao blood are also activated, Participate in the immune process, so that the survival rate of abalone abalone significantly improved.
一题如图:P为复平面上一点3~(1/2)/2,-1/2)。 PA⊥平面XOY,且|AP|=3~(1/2)/2。试用反正切表示下面各有关角。一串(1)直线OP的倾角α; (2)点P所对应的复数z的辐角及其主值; (
读者毛壮男,伊茂亮,匡安琍,郭毅凡等同志来信,对本刊1986年第五期的《溶解度计算讨论》一文提出意见,现归纳如下: Readers Mao Zhuangnan, Yi Maoliang, Yan Anxi, and Guo
笔者曾为培养学生的探究能力作了一次尝试,收到良好的效果。现介绍于下。 (一)在竞赛中激发兴趣为了激发学生的兴趣,我选取了个人竞赛的方法: 1、自己取数a、b、c组成集合A=
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