一、前言 航空发动机的LY2铝合金叶片企图用高速锤挤压工艺来代替原来的模锻工艺,这样,不但可以减少生产工序,提高生产率,精化毛坯,降低成本,而且挤压叶片的毛坯室温机械性能良好,能满足模压叶片技术条件的要求,抗腐蚀性能也比模压的叶片好。但是,在250~270℃挤压出的叶片,经正常热处理后的高温
I. Introduction Aero engine LY2 aluminum alloy blade attempt to use high-speed hammer extrusion process to replace the original forging process, so that not only can reduce the production process and increase productivity, refining rough, reduce costs, and squeeze the blade blank temperature Good mechanical properties, can meet the technical requirements of molded leaves, corrosion resistance is better than the molded leaves. However, at 250 ~ 270 ℃ squeezed out of the blade, after the normal heat treatment of high temperature