Use of Manner Adverbs to Achieve Functional Variety of Sentence

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  In general, a manner adverb is an adverb that emphasizes the situation or process of how a thing happens. Li Quan indicates, “a manner adverb can only modify a verb or a verb phrase to display the status at that time.” Zhang Yisheng points out, “Almost all of the manner adverbs are composite compound with two syllables, reflecting certain behaviors involved in human bodies, facial features and thinking activities.” This article is committed to discussing how to use manner adverbs to achieve functional variety of sentence. An adverb of manner is often used to express one’s feelings of emphasizing, informing, reminding, describing, suspending, explaining and so on. It can be placed at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a sentence to give more vivid details and get readers’ attention. A good knowledge of the use of the manner adverbs helps writers to improve and vary their sentence style.
  Beginnings with Manner Adverbs
  Adverbials at the beginning of the sentence include the following three cases: at the beginning of the statements;at the beginning of the general questions;after the conjunctions.
  Suddenly there was a crash and the door opened.This sentence putting“suddenly”in the beginning intends to attract the audiences’ attention to what the writer is trying to say. What’s more, such kind of expression emphasizes the writer’s surprised emotion and stands out the sudden and rather rapid process which can help us learn a lot about the compete event .But due to the object as the subject, human feelings are quite objective. Furthermore, “suddenly” here can not modify the existential sentence “there was a crash” and is far from the sentence “the door opened”, so it does not modify the verb “open” but the whole event.
  Seriously, do you believe in Ghost? Seriously can be thought to modify the verb or the whole thing in the simple sentence. This case is in the form of a question whose emotional attitude and affect attitude is clear. And these two attitudes sink into one sense that you should show your beliefs or lay stress on what you are believing.
  Suddenly he started the engine.This example starts with the manner adverb “suddenly”, which can draw one’s attention to this sentence immediately. “He” as the subject, human feelings of liking or disgusting will be more obvious. Besides, we will be more interested on the behavior itself because of the single subject in the simple sentence. Then, we can get two ideas of modification in this sentence. One is that “suddenly” modifies the verb “started”; the other is that the complete thing is modified by “suddenly”.   Manner Adverbs between Sentences
  I remember to have plainly refused his offer.Adverbials between sentences can be placed in three positions:In front of the middle sentence;at the middle sentence;at the back of the middle sentence.Another particular one is located between two auxiliary verbs. And this is mainly because the tense and aspect of the predicate verb requires several auxiliary verbs to constitute.
  Endings with Manner Adverbs
  She settled down and we got along pleasantly.From the surface structure, the adverb at the end of sentence does have no difference in the syntactic function. But in the deep structure, is obviously different in the rules of verb phrases. Some modifies the verb phrases, while some modifies the whole sentence. So what the manner adverb modify depends on what the specific context is.
  This paper presented the syntactic and semantic function of manner adverbs used in the sentence. At the beginning of a sentence, the adverb of manner usually has the syntactic function of modifying the whole sentence , emphasizing this event and expressing one’s emotion , and stresses the semantic function of pointing to the front and conveying something subjective. In the middle of a sentence, the manner adverb lays stress on the syntactic function of modifying the verbs or the verb phrases and possesses the semantic function of describing or highlighting the details of this event and falling on both the front and the latter. At the end of a sentence, the manner adverb holds the syntactic function of modifying the predicate or the whole sentence, and maintain the semantic function of narrating the event objectively and pointing to the previous. This paper analyzes the adverbs of manner in the aspects of the two above-mentioned functions in the sentence roughly. But there are still more needed to be discussed and further study should be encouraged.
  1.These pairs of the following words:late/ lately,hard/ hardly,most/ mostly,near/ nearly,have totally different meaning. eg:She was studying hard at the university./My legs were so weak I could hardly stand.
  2. 著名学者周海中教授指出,当slow作副词时,它与其派生词slowly在用法上无甚区别。例如:The cat came slow(ly) towards us.但有几点值得注意,尤其是它们的习惯用法,可详见《Slow与Slowly》一文。[1]
摘要:读书,从小处说,可以开阔视野,丰富人的精神生活;从大处讲,可以传承文化,创造出新的文明。可谓终身读书终身受益。作为教师,培养学生的读书习惯是我们义不容辞的责任。如何培养学生爱读书的习惯,并让这习惯陪伴学生一生呢? 下面我将结合自己的学习及教学实践,谈一些看法。  关键词:小学生;兴趣;阅读习惯  一、调动学生的读书兴趣。  兴趣是最好的老师,有了兴趣,学生就会主动去读书。对于低年级学生而言,
摘要:教师在使用數和形的结合进行数学教学时,必须有意识地发展出将数和形的结合相结合的思想,使学生能够利用数和形的结合来独立学习。在初中数学知识教学中,教师应如何运用数形结合的结合,达到树立学生将的数形结合起来的思想,并提高学生的数学知识自主学习的效率。本文从教学方式、思想运用和辅助教学三个方面分析了教师如何使用数和形的结合来教授初中数学,以提高初中数学教学的有效性。  关键词:初中数学;教学方法;
摘要:竹编工艺是我的传统文化瑰宝,我们从历史、发展、传承来进行探索发现,把竹编工艺更好地传承下去。  关键词:竹编工艺;历史;发展;传承  竹编工艺,体现了中华民族特色,是我国的传统文化瑰宝,中华5000年,有近千年的岁月是铭记在竹简上的。  一、竹编的历史  竹编的历史可以追溯到新石器时代初期,据考古资料证明,人类开始定居生活后,编从事简单的农业和畜牧业生产,所获得的米栗和猎物需要保存下来就需要
摘要:随着信息化课堂的有效构建,以信息技术为平台,为学生创设多样化的学习环境,保证学生主体的学习质量和发展效益。英语作为一门语言类学科,其听说读写等语言能力的培养尤为重要。平板听力材料作为信息化课堂的一种教学形式,可以为学生的语言学习带来不同的认知体验。将平板听力材料引入到书面表达之中,有助于激活学生的创作热情,拓展学生的写作思路。因此,本文作者结合英语学科语言特点对此展开研究。  关键词:初中英
摘要:随着新课程改革的发展和完善,为适应新课程改革的要求,建立高效的小学语文课堂成为所有教师应肩负的光荣使命和重大责任。那么,怎样才能有效地实现呢?在此基础上,本文从“巧课引进、趣味游戏”、“优化教学过程、合作学习”、“改进教学评价、建立自信心”三个方面进行分析,谈如何构建小学语文高效课堂教学策略。  關键词:小学语文趣味游戏合作学习的教学评价  高效课程是指以最小的时间和精力,取得最好的课堂教学
摘要:文章从小学生的口头作文开始,通过激趣,打开学生的写作思路,让学生通过合理的想象去描绘多彩的生活,去开发学生的想象力,培养他们口头表达能力,提高对作文,进而对阅读观察、积累、思考的兴趣。  关键词:小学;作文;教学  在小学语文教学中,作文是很重要的一环,关系到学生是否能培养出学习、运用驾驭语言来传情达意的能力。在教学实践中,我发现部分学生思维迟纯,想象苍白,词语贫乏,语句多病,条例不顺及内容
摘要:在语文课上,老师和学生之间的交流,主要是为了帮助学生在学习的时候可以很好地理会老师所讲的语文知识重点。加强师生之间的交流,可以促进师生的共同发展,更好地帮助学生学习语文知识。在教学的过程中,老师在学生心中具有很高的地位,老师必须要重视和学生的交流,慢慢地把课堂地位交给学生,让学生自由发挥,并且激励学生积极参加互动。  关键词:高中语文;互动式教学;运用方法  引言  开展互动式教学,必须要让