早春插种草木栖 解决棉田“当家肥”

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怎样解决棉田“当家肥”以满足棉花花铃期对养分的要求,从而达到保花、增铃,获得丰产,是当前棉花栽培上有待解决的问题。我们公社曾试验在棉田插种过春夏绿肥,由于前期气温低,干旱少雨以及选用绿肥品种不当,绿肥长势不好,鲜草产量低,效果往往不理想。近年来,我们在生产实践和科学实验中摸索到,棉田早春插种草木栖,是多、快、好、省地解决棉花“当家肥”的一个新途径。试验表明,早春插种草木栖作棉田“当家肥”,效果显著,棉花一般增产30—50%。一棉田早春插种草木棲的好处1.草木栖适应性强,耐低温,抗干旱,适于早春插种,且有较强的抗蚜能力,植株生长好,鲜草产量高。一般二月底三月初播种,五月底六月初掩青的,亩产鲜草量可达二千斤上下。 How to solve the problem of “being fat” in cotton field to meet the requirement of nutrient for cotton flower-boll stage, so as to achieve the goal of preserving flowers, increasing bolls and gaining high yield, is the problem to be solved in current cotton cultivation. Our commune had experimented with inserting green spring summer green manures in cotton fields. Due to the low pre-temperature, drought and poor selection of green manure varieties, green manure is not growing well and fresh grass yield is low, and the effect is often not satisfactory. In recent years, we have found during the practice of production and scientific experiments that planting cotton grass in early spring in cotton fields is a new way to solve the problem of “becoming fat man” in cotton more quickly, betterly and economically. Experiments show that the early spring planting grass habitat for cotton “Dang fat”, the effect is significant, the general cotton yield 30-50%. A cotton field in early spring planting grass habitat Benefits 1. Herbivore adaptability, low temperature, drought resistance, suitable for early spring planting, and a strong resistance to aphids, plant growth, fresh grass yield. Generally the end of February early March sowing, late May early June to cover the green, fresh yield per mu up to two thousand pounds up and down.
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小市公社总耕地面积二万三千亩,高粱播种面积七千六百亩,占总耕地面积百分之三十三。过去长期以来一直沿袭着旧耕作栽培制度,产量不高不稳,只在四、五百斤上下徘徊。 Small