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我们在阅读古籍时,往往会遇到文字上由于避讳带来的不少麻烦。避讳是封建统治者为了维护本阶级的尊严而搞的一套愚弄人民的把戏。即凡与帝王、圣贤、父祖等名字同字或同音的字都要回避,不得照字直书,要改用其它的字代替。否则,就是犯讳。轻则遭到非议,重则要去官或丧命。如北齐高祖欢的父亲名树生,一次朝臣辛子炎议论政事时,无意中把“署”字念成了“树”音,几乎被打死。又如清代江西的王锡侯献书时,因触犯了康熙、雍正等人的名讳,不但他自己掉了脑袋,而且还株连了一大批人,造成了历史上著名的触讳惨案,使人不寒而栗!这种避讳的把戏,据现有文献记载,在我国已有几千年的历史了,几乎与整个封建社会共存亡。大约 When we read ancient books, we often encounter a lot of trouble caused by taboo words. Taboo is a fool of the people who fled the feudal rulers in order to preserve the dignity of their class. That is, with the emperor, sages, father ancestors and other names of the same or homonym words should be avoided, not according to the word straight book, to use instead of other words instead. Otherwise, it is taboo. From lightly criticized, but should go to official or bereaved. When the father of the Northern Qi Dynasty Gaozu Huan dynasty was born and a courtier, Xin Ziyan talked about politics, he inadvertently read the word “Department” into “tree” and was almost killed. Another example is the Qing Dynasty in Jiangxi Wang Xi Hou Xian book, because of the violation of Kangxi, Yongzheng and others of the taboo, not only he lost his head, but also stranded a large number of people, causing the history of the famous taboo massacre, shuddering people This taboo trick, according to the existing literature, has been in our country for thousands of years and has almost survived the entire feudal society. about
都说穷日子难过 ,我不怀疑这种说法。我过过穷日子 ,在做知青的时节 ,常用盐水拌饭吃 ,那样的夜 ,非常非常的漫长 ,饥饿噬咬年轻的胃 ,狼一般凶狠。知青中的坏孩子说 ,谁和我
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