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1992年,广西壮族自治区总工会超额完成全总下达的经费收缴任务。比上年同期增长14.29%,经费收交率全区超过90%,创本区历史最好水平。1991年由于开展三年经费收入大检查,补收了历年漏欠经费。当年收入比上年增长23.15%,超过职工平均工资增长一倍以上,各单位对1992年经费收入能否继续增长信心不足。为此,我们及时对全区经费收缴单位的经费收交率、建会率、历年收入增长率、人均上解经费收 In 1992, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions surpassed the task of collecting funds allocated by the entire government. An increase of 14.29% over the same period of the previous year with the rate of fund collection over 90% in the whole district, creating the best record in history in this district. In 1991, due to the large-scale inspection of revenue from three years of expenditure, the funds of overdue funds in previous years were reimbursed. In the same year, the revenue increased by 23.15% over the previous year and more than double the average wage of workers. All units did not have enough confidence in the continued growth of their income in 1992. To this end, we promptly assessed the rate of receipt and payment of funds, the rate of establishment, the growth rate of incomes over the years and the per-capita income of the units receiving the funds
根据卫生部实施“安全输血”战略的部署和要求,5月1 8日,青海省血液中心质量管理项目第一次内部审核首次会议召开,这标志着卫生部血液质量项目(QMP)在省血液中心全面启动。青
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1797年1月31日的下午,维也纳的教堂里正在为一个新生婴儿洗礼,这个婴儿就是我们这期的主人公——弗朗茨·舒伯特。 On the afternoon of January 31, 1797, a newborn baby
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