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照明和动力电路由于安装或维护使用不当,常会发生故障。归纳起来有断路、短路、漏电、供电不正常四种。一、断路产生原因:熔丝熔断、线头松脱、断线、开关接不通、灯头坏等。个别电灯不亮,应按下列步骤检查:灯丝是否烧断;分路熔丝是否断;用电笔测开关桩头有无电。如有,要查灯头接线和弹簧;查开关触片接触情况。如户内电灯都不亮,而邻居有电,应按下列步骤检查:检查户用熔丝有否烧断。如断,应检查用户负载是否太大,照明应按每220瓦1安,动力按每250瓦1安计算。如未断,需用电笔向上一级逐级检查熔丝和接线是否良好,直至电源。熔丝配置应符标准,对照明线路1千瓦为4.5安(熔丝额定电流),动力线路1千瓦为4安。为判定火线还是地线断线,可卸下灯泡,开启开关,用电笔测量灯头两柱(两极),均有电,说明断地线;两柱均无电,说明断火线。进一步判断时,可用针(或大头针)插入电线(用绝缘钳),然后用电笔测量。如无电,说明前面断线。测完后拔出针,由于针孔小,绝缘皮有弹性,故不需修补。 Lighting and power circuits often fail due to improper installation or maintenance. Summarized there are open circuit, short circuit, leakage, power supply is not normal four. First, the circuit causes: fuse blown, thread loose, broken, the switch is not connected, the lamp is bad and so on. Individual lights do not light, should be checked by the following steps: Filature is blown; split fuse is broken; electricity pen measured switch head with or without electricity. If so, to check the lamp wiring and spring; check contact switch contacts. If the indoor lights are not bright, but the neighbors have electricity, the following steps should be checked: Check whether the household fuse blown. Such as broken, should check whether the user load is too large, lighting should be 1 watt per 220 watts, power per watt 1 A calculation. If not broken, need to use the pen up one by one to check the fuse and wiring is good until the power. Fuse configuration should meet the standard, the lighting circuit 1 kilowatt 4.5 amp (fuse rated current), power line 1 kilowatt to 4 amps. To determine the line of fire or ground, you can remove the light bulb, turn on the switch, the pen measured lamp two columns (two poles), have electricity, indicating off the ground; two poles are no electricity, indicating off the fire. Further judgments, the needle (or pin) can be used to insert the wire (insulated pliers), and then measured with a stylus. If there is no electricity, it means the front is disconnected. Took out the needle after the test, due to the small pinhole, flexible insulation, it does not need to be repaired.
由中国农药工业协会主办的第八届农药交流会暨农化产品展览会将于2008年10月19日~21日在南京国际展览中心召开,为配合此次交 The 8th pesticide exchange meeting and agroch