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本届奥运会女篮桂冠谁属,甚为广大篮球爱好者所关注。从笔者所掌握的情况来看,美国女篮近些年来异军突起,已使20多年来始终位居世界之冠、所向披靡的苏联女篮的霸主地位开始动摇。历史是最好的见证。回顾1976年当女篮首次列入奥运会比赛项目时,美国女篮虽一举夺得亚军,但从实力对比,那时的美国队与苏联队的差距甚大。六年之后的1982年,当美、苏西队在匈牙利布达佩斯国际比赛相遇时,经过激烈的鏖战,美国女篮竟爆出冷门,以85比83战胜苏联队。这是20多年来,苏联女篮第一次在国际比赛中受挫,世界篮坛引起极大轰动。苏联女篮教练阿列克谢耶娃当即惊呼:“在未来的国际比赛中,美国女篮将是我们的主要对手。”在1983年第九 The Olympic Games women’s basketball crown who belong to the majority of basketball fans are concerned about. From the author’s grasp of the situation, the United States women’s basketball in recent years a sudden emergence, has more than 20 years has always been the highest in the world, the invading Soviet women’s basketball dominance began to waver. History is the best testimony. Recalling that when the women’s basketball team was first included in the Olympic Games in 1976, the United States women’s basketball team won the runner-up in one fell swoop. However, when compared with the strength, the difference between the U.S. team and the Soviet team was very large. Six years later, in 1982, when the United States and the Soviet team met at the Budapest international competition in Hungary, after fierce fierce battles, the American women’s basketball team actually broke the unpopular, defeating the Soviet team 85-83. This is the first time in 20 years that the Soviet women’s basketball team has been frustrated in international competitions and the basketball world has caused a great sensation. Soviet women’s basketball coach Alekseyeva immediately exclaimed: “In the future of international competitions, the US women’s basketball team will be our main rival.” In 1983 ninth
根据国务院国发[1986]83号文件的规定,1991年11月9日财政部以(91)财国债字第069号文印发《关于固定资产投资利用国外借款财务管理暂行规定》。规定全文如下: 第一章总则第一
刊登在这里的精彩镜头,在一定程度上反映了当代世界篮球发展的趋势。无论从控球能力、快速反击、防守高大中锋以及技战术的运用方面,都有值得我们学习、 The wonderful sho
在德甲,云达不莱梅队无论是在声望、号召力还是历史战绩方面都无法同拜仁慕尼黑、多特蒙德这些绿茵豪门相提并论,但在今年的2月1日,不莱梅队却先于这些德甲 In the Bundesl
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