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从计划经济到制度转型初期、再到转型后期,中国企业的战略演进大致呈现出以下特征:一是企业与市场主体间的战略合作和竞争越来越体现为以市场交易为基础的互动,二是企业的成长战略和路径日趋多样化,三是企业的发展越来越依赖于组织层次而不是企业家个人的资源和能力。对于中国企业而言,运营效率仍然是一种战略性资源。21世纪以来,中国企业战略管理的主题正是通过不断地引入国内外企业的最佳管理实践来提升自身的运营效率。以提升动态效率为目的的组织学习和技术赶超将是未来中国一部分优秀企业战略管理的核心,这些企业实现赶超的机会和可能性主要来自于两个方面:一是国外领先企业核心能力与中国本土市场需求的不对称;二是科技加速进步过程中新的技术路径的不断涌现。 From the planned economy to the early stage of institutional transition and then to the later stage of transition, the strategic evolution of Chinese enterprises generally shows the following characteristics: First, the strategic cooperation and competition between enterprises and market players are increasingly reflected in the interaction based on market transactions; Is the growing diversification of the company’s growth strategy and path. Third, the development of an enterprise depends more and more on the organizational level rather than on the resources and capabilities of individual entrepreneurs. For Chinese companies, operational efficiency remains a strategic resource. Since the 21st century, the theme of strategic management of Chinese enterprises has been to enhance its operational efficiency by continuously introducing the best management practices of domestic and foreign enterprises. To improve the dynamic efficiency of organizational learning and technology for the purpose of catching up will be the future of China’s strategic management of some outstanding enterprises at the core of these enterprises to achieve the catch-up opportunities and possibilities mainly from two aspects: First, the leading foreign core competence and China’s domestic market demand asymmetry; the second is to accelerate the progress of science and technology in the new technological path of emerging.
小麦禾谷孢囊线虫(Cereal Cyst Nematode,CCN)病是一种世界性病害,主要为害小麦(Tritic-um aestivum)、大麦(Hordeum vulgare)、燕麦(Ave-na saliva)、黑麦(Secale cereale)
本研究建立了一种用于沙地葡萄茎痘相关病毒(Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus,GRSPaV)的RT-LAMP检测方法。以GRSPaV的RdRp基因序列(GenBank登录号:GQ4783
提出了一种依据海洋伴随资料同化达到改进海洋观测方案的客观分析方法 .针对一个“真实的海洋”进行不同空间断面 (或对不同层次 )的假设采样 ,分别将这些“不完备的观测”应用于Byran Cox海洋环流模式的伴随系统 ,可以计算“不完备观测”同化以后的模式环流与“完备观测”资料同化 (控制试验 )得到的环流之间的距离———反演距离 .由于海洋伴随资料同化所具有的局地修正效应和邻域修正效应 ,不同观测方
目的 观察50%氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐粉剂(WPN)对家蚕的毒性.方法 将桑叶在1、2、4、6、8 g/L WPN中浸泡10s和3 min,然后喂养家蚕,观察家蚕死亡情况.并设清水对照组.结果 将桑叶在WP
采用河南农业大学自行设计的电热式温湿度自控烤箱,研究了烤烟先晾制再烘烤对烟叶致香物质的影响.结果表明,烟叶晾制48 h再进行烘烤,烟叶中的主要中性致香物如β-大马酮、香