Correlation between LRRK2 gene polymorphism sites S1647T and R1398H and Parkinson’s disease in a Chi

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbjysd520
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A recent multicenter study demonstrated that two variants of LRRK2, S1647T and R1398H, are associated with sporadic Parkinson’s disease. The present study analyzed LRRK2 gene polymorphisms of S1647T and R1398H, demonstrating that the LRRK2 gene polymorphism S1647T variant is a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease in a Chinese Han population. However, the R1398H variant did not influence the risk for Parkinson’s disease. In addition, there was no difference in clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease patients with various genotypes. Results showed that the LRRK2 S1647T variant was associated with an increased risk for developing early-onset Parkinson’s disease in a Chinese Han population. In addition, there was no correlation between LRRK2 S1647T, R1398H variants and G2385R, R1628P variants in Parkinson’s disease patients. A recent multicenter study of that two variants of LRRK2, S1647T and R1398H, are associated with sporadic Parkinson’s disease. The present study analyzed LRRK2 gene polymorphisms of S1647T and R1398H, demonstrating that the LRRK2 gene polymorphism S1647T variant is a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease in a Chinese Han population. However, the R1398H variant did not influence the risk for Parkinson’s disease. In addition, there was no difference in clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease patients with various genotypes. Results showed that LRRK2 S1647T variant was associated with an increased risk for developing early-onset Parkinson’s disease in a Chinese Han population. In addition, there was no correlation between LRRK2 S1647T, R1398H variants and G2385R, R1628P variants in Parkinson’s disease patients.
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