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多年前去过香港,觉得好像到了外国,站在海边远望对岸雾中或阳光下的高楼大厦,疑是曼哈顿。最近再去,仍然如此,一切未变,反而觉得香港有些老了旧了。可是,我还是非常喜欢它的“不变”。它的温文尔雅、和谐有序依然如故,每每从一些细节处体现出它的成熟和精致。比如等红绿灯时的自觉和井然,比如接受询问时的微笑和热情,比如接待服务时的耐心和周到,比如过马路时可以清晰地看到地上印有“望右”的白字……因为香港老了,所以不能节奏太快——一年一个样,三年大变样,它只能老老实实等到绿灯才能行走;因为香港旧了,所以它不需要张狂,只要干干净净,悠然地迎接和容纳一切;因为香港实行英式的左车道,所以它必须提醒行人,小心右边的车辆——准确地说无疑是在提醒包括我们这些的外来者.我们太不习惯左行车道了!当安全地走过一尘不染、洗得发白、偶有裂缝的路面,我不得不为香港的以人为本、注重细节而感慨。看来电影里子弹横飞、血溅四尺的黑社会香港与现实中的老绅士香港完全风马牛不相及,它并非是座“伤城”。 Many years ago went to Hong Kong, I feel as if to a foreign country, standing on the other side of the sea in the mist or the sun towering buildings, suspected of Manhattan. Recently, it is still the case and everything has not changed. Instead, I feel that Hong Kong is somewhat old and old. However, I still really like it's “constant.” Its gentle, harmonious and still the same, often from some details reflect its maturity and sophistication. Such as the traffic lights when the conscious and natural, such as to accept the inquiry when the smile and enthusiasm, such as reception service patience and thoughtful, such as crossing the road you can clearly see the ground printed with “hope the right” white ... ... because Hong Kong So, it can not be too fast paced - a sample of the year, a big change in three years, it can only be honest to wait until the green light to walk; because Hong Kong is old, so it does not need to be wild, as long as clean, To accommodate everything; because Hong Kong has an English left-hand drive, it must remind pedestrians and be careful about the vehicles on the right - to be sure, it is undoubtedly a reminder of the outsiders, including us. We are too accustomed to the left lane! When I walked safely through spotless, washed white and occasionally cracked roads, I had to feel uncomfortable about the people-oriented and detail-oriented Hong Kong. It seems that the bullets flew in the movie and the bloody four-feet triad Hong Kong was totally incommunicated with the real old gentleman in Hong Kong. It was not the “wounded city.”
正像裴勇俊自己所说, “我见过我的许多中年影迷, 她们结了婚,也有孩子, 但是我从她们的眼睛看到的是 一个个十几岁的少女。” As Bae Yong Joon himself said, “I've seen
近日,华南农业大学农学院“植物线虫研究室”和“广东省微生物信号与作物病害防控重点实验室”廖金铃教授团队在国际著名期刊《PLoS Pathogens》发表题为“A novel Meloidogy