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我怎么也忘不了刚当兵那年经历的两次火场险情。 第一次遇险是我第一次上火场。失火单位是一家商店的仓库。我平生第一次见那么大的烈火:一条条火龙像膨胀的恶魔从库房的窗口、屋顶向四处喷射,离火场几十米远就感觉到了烈焰的威力。仓库后面是一幢居民楼,队长带我钻过屋顶正在着火的库房到后面侦察火情。当我们刚刚钻到后面,只听身后“轰隆”一声巨响,一股强烈的热浪差点将我和队长推倒。我回头一看,整个钢木结构的仓库至屋顶被大火烧的全部塌落下来。真悬哪,差一步我和队长就被火神爷包“饺子”了!我再一看眼前的情景,心一下子又提到了嗓子眼:我和队长被困在了一条宽不足三米、三面是高墙一面是火海的死胡同内。扑面而来的烈焰将我露在防火服外边的脸部和双手灸烤的如同刀割一般疼痛,我吓的紧紧依偎在队长的身边,心想,还没救火就得“壮烈”了,还不知能不能算烈士呢!队长到底是久经火场的老消防队员,他一面用身子保护着我,一面拿过我手里的无线对讲机大声呼叫:“我们被火堵在里面出不去,请用开花水枪掩护我们冲出去!”几秒钟后,一股强大的水流穿过烈火向我们打了过来,我全身顿感一阵清爽。队长拉着我顶着水流向外冲去,我撒手闭眼,如同腾云驾雾一般。当我睁开眼时,我一眼就看见了那火红的消防车,我? How can I forget the two firestorm dangers experienced in that year of military service? The first time I was in distress on fire. The fire unit is a store’s warehouse. For the first time in my life, I saw such a great fire: a fire dragon like an expanding devil sprays from the window of the storehouse to the roof, tens of meters away from the fire and feels the power of flames. Behind the warehouse is a residential building where the captain takes me through the warehouse where the roof is burning to reconnoitre the fire. When we just got into the back, just listen behind the “Bang” a loud noise, an intense heat wave almost toppled me and the captain. I looked back, the entire steel structure of the warehouse to the roof of the fire all collapsed down. What hanging really, my step and the captain was Vulcan package “dumplings”! I look at the immediate scene, the heart suddenly mentioned the throat: I and the captain trapped in a width of less than three meters, Three sides of the wall is the dead end of the fire sea. Blowing the flames exposed my face outside the fire service and hands moxibustion grilled like a knife general pain, I scared tightly nestled in the captain’s side, I thought, not fire have to have “heroic” I do not know can not be counted as a martyr! Captain in the end is the old firefighter who passed the scene, one side of his body to protect me, while I took the radio walkie-talkie in my hand and shouted: “We were blocked in the fire out, Please use a blossoming water gun to shield us from going out! ”A few seconds later, a powerful stream of water struck us through the flames, and my entire body feels refreshing. Captain dragged me against the water rushed out, I put my hand close your eyes, as the cloud Yun Tang general. When I opened my eyes, I saw the red fire engine, I?
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