
来源 :炼钢 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:selene1988
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一、前言平炉用氧是平炉操作工艺的一大进步。从50年代开始,我们经历了炉门吹氧、炉头富氧、斜吹用氧、侧吹用氧等过程,80年代发展成顶吹氧。1983~1985年,我们将三座300t倾动式燃油平炉改造成顶吹氧平炉。生产实践证明:产量成倍增长,燃油单耗下降了一半,其它各项消耗均有不同程度的降低,取得了较明显的效果。几年来,由于我们的认识落后于技术的发展,顶吹氧后仍沿用燃油平炉的操作工艺,因而大大地束缚和阻碍了用氧平炉潜力的发挥,存在着熔渣不好,炉形涨高、品种难保,炉龄低、氧耗高等问题。为此,我们于1986年上半年在2号平炉对原有操作工艺和管理方法中的平炉炼钢工 I. INTRODUCTION Open hearth furnace oxygen is a major improvement in operating process. Since the 1950s, we experienced the process of oxygen blowing through the furnace door, enriching the furnace head, oxygen blowing obliquely, and oxygen blowing from the side. In the 1980s, it developed into the top blowing oxygen. From 1983 to 1985, we converted three 300t tilting oil hobs into top-blown oxygen furnaces. The production practice has proved that the output doubled, the unit consumption of fuel dropped by half, and the consumption of other items all decreased in varying degrees and achieved obvious effects. In recent years, our understanding has lagged behind the development of technology. After the top blowing of oxygen, the operating process of the oil hearth furnace is still used. Thus, the potential of the oxygen hearth furnace is largely restrained and hindered. There is a problem that the slag is not good and the shape of the furnace is high , Difficult to guarantee the variety, low furnace age, high oxygen consumption and other issues. To this end, we in the first half of 1986 flat furnace on the 2nd operation of the original process and management methods of flat steel furnace
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文章介绍苏钢推行高炉操作标准化的一些主要内容、作法,及其在实践所取得的效果。 The paper introduces some main contents, practices and the results achieved in the
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练亿骘读者: 据资料记载:30年代,日本18岁男、女青年平均身高为161.8厘米和151.2厘米;而到80年代,18岁男、女青年平均身高达到了170.8厘米和157.8厘米。日本青少年身高的快