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合理的复种、轮作制度,是培养地力,提高农作物产量的重要手段。我国农民在长期生产实践中,对合理用地与养地积累了极其宝贵的经验。由于我国土地广阔,气候、地形差异大,因而各地复种、轮作的种类繁多。但过去我们对各种复种、轮作制度是否合理及共对土壤肥力的影响,很少研究。为适应农业现代化区划的需要,研究在当前的土壤肥力、肥料、劳畜力等生产条件下,在双季稻地区,到底是普遍发展三熟制,还是两熟?采用什么样的复种、轮作方式,既能充分用地,又能积极养地;既能稳产高产,增产增收,又能趋利避害。这是双季稻地区急需解决的问题。为此,我们在调查总结群众经验的基础上,连续三年进行该项研究。目的在于探明双季稻地区现有几种复种、轮作方式,对土壤肥力和产量的影响,以为农业生产制定用地与养地相结合的作物布局和复种,轮作制度,提供科学依据。 Reasonable multiple cropping and rotation system is an important means to cultivate soil fertility and increase crop yield. In the long-term production practice, our peasants have accumulated extremely valuable experience in the rational use of land and in raising land. Due to the vast land in our country, great differences in climate and topography, there are various kinds of cropping and rotation around the country. In the past, however, we have rarely studied the reasonableness of various cropping systems and crop rotation systems and their impact on soil fertility. In order to meet the needs of the agricultural modernization zoning, we should study whether the three-crop system or the two-crop system is generally developed in double cropping paddy under the current production conditions of soil fertility, fertilizer, , Can fully use land, but also actively raise the land; both stable and high yield, increase production and income, but also profit-taking. This is an urgent issue to be solved in the double cropping paddy area. To this end, we conducted the study for three consecutive years on the basis of surveying and summarizing the masses’ experiences. The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of multiple cropping and cropping patterns on soil fertility and yield in double cropping paddy so as to provide a scientific basis for formulating the crop layout, cropping and rotation system for land use and cropland combination in agricultural production.
摘 要:网络中大量的信息,精彩的图片为语文学习提供了不可穷尽的网络资源,而且基于网络的教学能改变教师的教学方式,学生的学习方式。学生根据自己的兴趣、能力来选取学习内容,选择学习路径,调整学习过程,这种新型的课堂教学模式,使学生在探索新知中真正成为信息加工的主体,给语文教学开辟了无限广阔的空间,会使语文教学更精彩。  关键词:网络 新型课堂模式    《语文课程标准》指出“应拓宽语文学习和运用的领域
“要当好人武部主官,当好一名‘军事常委’,就必须 围绕中心,服从大局,与时俱进,心里装着一份沉甸甸的 责任……”今年年初,在山东省青岛警备区组织的新任职 人武部军政主官
本文讨论了案例驱动教学法在计算机基础教学中的研究与实践。 This article discusses the case-driven teaching method in the computer basic teaching research and pra