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前言您还记得自己第一次看高清画面、听高清音频是什么时候吗?我相信大家一定会印象深刻,因为高清所带来的感官刺激绝对是震撼的,这种震撼是来自于画面和声音做到了相比以往从来未有过的更真实的记录与重放。图像色彩更加艳丽,声音轮廓更加清晰,这并不是一种渲染,而是更贴近真实的表现。高清产业的开端是在日本和美国以地面高清广播开始的,伴随着的是蓝光产业的发展和普及。而在日美以外的地区,则是先受到蓝光产品的辅射才慢慢开始高清的普及,如欧洲、港台等地区。来到中国大陆,我们又先后经历了HTPC、高清播放机、蓝光播放机、高清电视等几个阶段,而这以上几个方面又是和家庭影院有着密切关系的,例如大屏幕显示、环绕声输出、高清的电影大片等等。因此在中国,高清产业与家庭影院有着密不可分的关系。制作精良的高清大片电影首登荧幕之后,就会制作成蓝光碟片,在千家万户的视听室中继续延续着高清带来的精彩,也只有通过家庭影院系统的构建,才能让我们欣赏到高清音频格式带来的非一般的体验。作为家庭影院技术的传播者之一,我们义不容辞,同时要不断地增强自身的实力。我们不能左右市场,却能引领我们的消费者选择正确的高清产品;我们不能发展技术,却能告诉我们的读者朋友什么是最好最新的技术。高清时代的到来,正在鞭策着整个影音行业的前进,我们愿与您一路同行,新入门的朋友通过观看我们的文章和评论将会迎头赶上,正是因为你们的支持,高清影音世界才会变得更加精彩,更加灿烂。 Preface Do you still remember the first time I was watching HD video? When was the HD audio? I believe everyone will be impressed because the sensory stimuli brought by HD are absolutely shocking. The shock comes from the picture and sound Achieve more real than never before the record and playback. The image is gorgeous and the outline of the sound is sharper. This is not a rendering, but rather closer to the true representation. The beginning of the HD industry started with high-definition terrestrial broadcasting in Japan and the United States, accompanied by the development and popularization of the Blu-ray industry. In Japan and the United States outside the region, it is the first Blu-ray products by the auxiliary shot slowly began to pop HD, such as Europe, Hong Kong and Taiwan and other regions. Came to China, we have experienced HTPC, HD player, Blu-ray player, high-definition television and several other stages, and these aspects are closely related to home theater, such as large-screen display, surround sound Output, HD movie blockbusters and more. Therefore, in China, HD industry and home theater are inextricably linked. Produced by a well-known HD movie debut screen, it will be made into a Blu-ray disc, in the tens of thousands of households in the audio-visual room to continue the continuation of the high-definition brings wonderful, and only through the home theater system to build, we can enjoy Intuitive HD audio format to bring the experience. As one of the communicators of home theater technology, we are obliged to continue, while constantly enhancing its own strength. We can not control the market, but it can lead our consumers to choose the right HD product. We can not develop technology, but we can tell our readers what is the best and the latest technology. HD era, is driving the entire audio and video industry forward, we are willing to work with you all the way, new friends by watching our articles and comments will catch up, it is because of your support, high-definition video world will become More exciting, more brilliant.
黄沙。暖阳。明月。如翡翠般的绿叶在春风里笑靥如花。如蝴蝶般的落叶在秋风中浅吟低唱。一年一年地轮回,在浅黄色的风里。一年,一年又一年…… Yellow sand. Warm sun. Bri
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