人的一生烦恼很多,孩童时期因受同龄小伙伴的欺负而烦恼;上学后因作业太多或考试成绩不好而烦恼;长大后因恋爱不顺心或工作单位不理想而烦恼;成家后因家庭生活小事而烦恼;人到中年后因工作繁忙、精力不充沛或事业不顺心而烦恼;到了老年因身体不好或生活孤独而烦恼…… 生活的酸甜苦辣总得自己去品尝,不能因为烦恼就整天心神不宁。静静地品味已经流逝的日子,会发觉有许多时候都是自寻烦恼。 很多时候,心情不舒畅
People’s life a lot of trouble, childhood bullying due to small partners by the same age and worry; go to school due to too much homework or poor test scores and trouble; grow up due to the love is not satisfactory or the workplace is not ideal and troubled; Family life and minor problems; people to middle-aged due to busy work, lack of energy or cause ill-hearted and troubled; to the elderly due to poor health or loneliness and trouble ... life’s ups and downs have to go to taste, not because of the trouble All day uneasy. Quietly taste the days that have passed, you will find that there are many times to find trouble. In many cases, the mood is not comfortable