
来源 :广州政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdfsafdsfds
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各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位,驻穗各单位:市爱卫办制定的《广州市今冬明春除“四害”工作安排》业经市人民政府同意,现转发给你们。今年下半年来,我市以治理脏乱为突破口,广泛深入开展“讲文明、树新风”活动,清除了一大批卫生死角,减少了蚊、蝇、鼠、蟑螂的孳生地,“四害”密度有所下降,但目前我市的除害工作与国家先进城市的标准和人民群众的期望仍有一定的差距。为切实提高全市除“四害”工作的水平,市爱卫会已印发市植保站关于广州市农田灭 All districts, county-level city people’s government, the municipal government units directly under the units in Guangzhou: Aiwei Office of the city to develop the “Spring and Winter this year in addition to Guangzhou,” “four peasants ” work arrangements “with the consent of the Municipal People’s Government, is forwarded to you guys. In the second half of this year, the municipality has taken a series of measures to control the dirty and messy areas and carried out extensive and in-depth activities such as ”civilizing civilization and fresh air for trees“, eliminating a large number of dead ends in health and reducing the breeding grounds for mosquitoes, flies, rats and cockroaches, However, at present, there is still a certain gap between the pest elimination work in our city and the standards of the advanced cities in the country and the expectations of the people. In order to effectively improve the city in addition to ”four pests " level of work, the City of Ai Wei has been printed plant protection station on Guangzhou Farmland off
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