Western Idealization of Tibet

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SHANGRI-LA, mythical kingdom synonymous with Utopia, was the brainchild of American novelist James Hilton in his 1933 bestseller Lost Horizon. Hilton's inspiration came not from any personal travel experience in Tibet, but from articles by American bo
My interest in and eventual love for China began when I was a small boy growing up on our family farm in Pennsylvania.Back in the 1930's, our farm had no el
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T0 be a female depicted in Peking Opera is to represent one of the few heroines of Chinese history. They must possess outstanding morals and politically savvy,
摘 要:文章对数控机床自动换刀装置作介绍、研究,通过探究,加深对机床自动换刀装置的了解、认识,达到减少故障率、操作失误等可预防的目的,帮助提高生产效率。  关键词:数控机床;换刀装置;控制系统  中图分类号:TG659 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8937(2014)3-0084-01  1 数控机床的发展  1.1 国内外数控机床发展状况  当今世界,制造强国对数控机床的发展都很重视,对
JANUARY 11, 2004, 20th day of the 12th lunar month,was Lisu ethnic minority girl Zhang Zhengxiu&#39;s wedding day. Her traditional wedding ceremony was held in